Ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner’s charred body was found in the cabin in Big Bear where the killer was allegedly hiding. But why are the police denying they intentionally set the cabin ablaze when police audio clearly shows they went with their plan to “burn” the cabin. Here is the article from the LA Times released a few minutes ago denying any involvement by police in intentionally setting this fire.
A police scanner leaked, saying:
“All right, Steve, we’re gonna go, er, we’re gonna go forward with the plan, with, er, with the burn. We want it, er, like we talked about. […] Seven burners deployed and we have a fire.”
And apparently news station KCAL picked audio up that recorded voices yelling:
“We’re going to burn him out!”
“Burn this motherf*cker!”
Here is the audio. It sounds about as solid as it gets to me.
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