James Case Bachelorette 2013
Bachelorette 2013 contestants!
James Case Bio
Age: 28
Occupation: Works in advertising for BankRate, Inc.
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
If it’s still active, here’s his LinkedIn profile.
We just learned a bit about his cheating history with an ex-girlfriend.
It seems like he’s got a bit of a Justin RATED R thing going on, IMHO.
James Case Photos
Source: ABC
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I believed him. I know what it’s like to be in your own head and I can understand how it looks to a person with a quiet mind, a person who is 100% focused on the task at hand. Those people are lucky because everything flows. But when you have insecurities and your thoughts are racing, you think ahead, too much. Too much because you worry and consider scenarios that may never happen. I believe that that was the case with James. I saw how quickly he got emotionally exhausted; that is because he thinks too much.
I think he felt insecure about his relationship with Des after that group date, being back in the herd, as he put it. He expressed it, so he felt strongly about what was happening. I’d guess that he felt like he was regressing and was stressed about it. He had made a connection with the girl he wanted and then next time he saw her, she was casual with him again. Ouch. So he saw that realistically, he may go home. Everybody pulls back when you they see their emotions not being reciprocated. He didn’t give up but was stressed about the possibility of being let go of. So on the way to the hotel, he was venting and going through the scenario of what would happen if he did go home.
That may be difficult to understand to somebody who has a quiet mind. But I get it and I believed him. I may be reading it wrong. But I think he was sincere. I wasn’t there. I don’t know him. But if there’s a chance I’m right, he shouldn’t be ostracized as a bad person.
I think it sucks that he was attacked and put on the defensive by all these guys who didn’t understand him, especially the ones who think very highly of themselves and have no humility to consider what he was saying.