
Season 9 Bachelorette Recap Episode 6: Your faves weigh in

My apologies for not churning out a Penny Farthing recap last week for episode 5. My excuse is two-fold. First, I was on vacation in Rehoboth Beach, DE. But, second, the episode was *really* boring. Other than Bryden’s ridiculous decision to fly all the way to Munich only to up and leave and the amazing invention known as The Hot Tug, featured on the awkward-yet-predictable 2-on-1 date, I was kind of bored.

Last night’s episode was much better, IMHO.

The Bachelorette Recap Episode 6

The episode kicks off with a 1-on-1 date with questionably gay male model Drew Kenney (our site was blowing up last night with searches like “Drew Kenney gay,” so we are apparently not alone in this!)

Click here for the latest on our “Is Drew Kenney Gay” coverage….

Drew tells us a bunch of intense shiz, like “my dad is a recovering alcoholic” and “my dad has cancer” and Desiree states that she “really enjoyed” hearing Drew’s stories. Really? Really, Desiree? I wasn’t really enjoying hearing his downer stories. They were harshing my La Finca Malbec buzz!

My Mom felt differently, because she texted me, “I like Drew!”

He is a pretty good guy. And the fact that he forced Desiree to abandon yet another well-plated dinner so he could take her down a dark alley for a steamy make-out session…was pretty awesome. But, I dunno. I’m just not feeling Drew for Des.

Next up is the soccer (football) group date where we learned that James is a god awful goalie. But, the best part of the date was the after-game cocktail party where Kasey exclaimed, “There are some situations that need to be addressed.” We know, Kasey. We know. There are always so many situations to address!

The whole James Case situation is a bit ridiculous.

Michael G is kind of ridic. He’s always trying to get all Mr. Finger Pointer. I thought he was pretty annoying and whiny on last week’s 2-on-1 date with Ben, and he really continued to whine throughout this episode as well.

The whole thing was kind of amazing because James was actually making a lot of sense, yet none of the other guys could believe their ears. What? Life after the show? “Reality”?

Drew especially acts like a total robot with his inflexible viewpoint about The James Case Situation. He can’t fathom that James could be thinking about “other scenarios” in life other than “being Desiree’s husband.”

But, James. Dude. The first rule of The Bachelorette is that you’re not supposed to talk about life after The Bachelorette.

The Zak W. date was pretty uneventful, other than the fact that I noted that his drawing of Desiree looking quite a bit like Marilyn Manson. Word.

What’s the rest of Bachelor Nation saying? Here are links to some of your favorite bloggers bloggin’ about the show!


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