Sadly 29-year-old Maxim model and Bachelor star Gia Allemand died Wednesday after an apparent suicide attempt that left her brain dead and on life support.
She was discovered in her New Orleans home Monday evening by her boyfriend, NBA player Ryan Anderson. He found her limp body hanging in her house Monday and called 911.

The romance between Allemand and Anderson, 25, the New Jersey Nets’ had recently hit a rocky patch according to
There were no signs that Gia was depressed to the point of suicide in recent days, making her death even more baffling to friends.
Here are the last tweets before she took her life.
Proverbs 21:3 “Doing what is right and fair pleases The Lord more than an offering”
— Gia Allemand (@GiaAllemand) August 11, 2013
My twitter feed has become a conversation between @theyearofelan and @JuanPaGalavis #ImJustJealous #JuanStoleMyElan
— Gia Allemand (@GiaAllemand) August 11, 2013
@Gabby_H Drink a can of coke it always works for me when I have a headache
— Gia Allemand (@GiaAllemand) August 11, 2013
There was no immediate word if Allemand left a suicide note.
Allemand was admitted to the hospital for an unspecified medical emergency in New Orleans Monday night. The suicide is very troubling to say the least. Gia seemed very happy and excited about life in her final days.
No word if there is any investigation into possible foul play, but there are many unanswered questions for sure.
The actual tribute video that ABC did for Gia is not available to embed but this is the song they played for her by Matt Smith Taking on Water
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Gia Allemand funeral arrangements and family’s reaction
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