
Chris Soules speaks out on being dumped by Andi and who she should pick

One of the most emotional break-ups in Bachelorette history occurred Monday night pre-rose ceremony and even worse pre-Fantasy Suite. In fact it was the first ever pre-Fantasy-Suite break-up in Bachelorette history. Andi Dorfman was beside herself when she pulled out the Fantasy Suite card on her date with 32-year-old farmer Chris Soules.

Chris was obviously head over heels in love with Andi and ready to “take it to the next level”, but clearly after two back to back Fantasy Suite dates with Josh Murray and Nick Viall she could not bare to lead Chris on.

She delivered a very professional and emotionally honest argument on why she had to break-up with him. In fact my mom commented that she was shocked Andi didn’t just blame it all on geography. She really did have an easy out. Instead Andi was HONEST and I always knew she would be. She confided in Chris that the chemistry and foundation for a relationship just wasn’t there and sent him packing before the date was over.

It was painful to watch. Chris recently responded to TVguide about his on-camera heartbreak.

Do you have any regrets about how you left?

Chris: “I left there heartbroken and I said what I wanted to say during that moment we had and put it out there. I bottom line respect her feelings so I can’t question where she’s at with her feelings. That’s something way more important than opinion it is what it is. I said all I needed to say.”

What did you learn from your experience? 

Chris: “I felt like I put myself in a position that was very vulnerable and a position I’ve never felt. I learned how much I can take and handle — which at times I didn’t know how much longer I could take it. It makes me feel hopeful that it’s OK to do that and when I get the opportunity with the right person I can do that and still survive if it doesn’t work out and still do it again. I’m 32 years old and have been through some pretty tough relationships. This one was different in a lot of ways but it also helped me learn a lot about myself and how to cope and put yourself in situations and manage it as an adult and without family and friends. I know it helped me grow.”

Looking at the final two, who do you think she should end up with?

Chris: “I really think that I see her more with Josh than anyone just because of similarities and I see the chemistry they have and she’s totally drawn to him. But I also see where Nick is a good fit. If you asked me during the season I’d say Josh bar none [but] she and Nick have a neat chemistry now after watching that I see.”

2 thoughts on “Chris Soules speaks out on being dumped by Andi and who she should pick”

  1. That was how two adults break up. Honesty, class, and caring on both sides. Something we’ve rarely seen on the Bachelor.


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