
Jax Taylor cheated on girlfriend Tiffany Matthews with San Diego girl

Bartender Jax Taylor can not seem to stay out of trouble on Vanderpump Rules. He is already in trouble for juggling two girlfriends simultaneously. He finally broke up with one, Carmen Dickman and chose Tiffany Matthews (at least he claims this is what was happening). But a few weeks later he and Tiffany began having problems.

He even tweeted new server Vail Bloom to let her know he was single aka he and Tiffany had broken up tonight on episode 8 of season 3. But by the time Jax got over to Tom and Katie’s he and Tiffany had gotten back together. This is in June BTW. His coffee meeting with Vail occurred on June 26th.

So next week Jax and the boys hit San Diego and get in serious trouble. Jax allegedly has sex with a random girl from the bar in the bathroom (where Jax apparently loves having sex–remember Laura Leigh?).

And he was still with Tiffany at the time because apparently Tiffany, the “Event manager” produced the “event” of Jax going down to San Diego where he cheated on her.

So June 26th is where tonight’s episode left off and June 28th is his trip to San Diego aka episode 9 and he is clearly still with Tiffany.

We received this interesting update from an insider about the ‘San Diego girl’ situation in regards to whether or not Carmen knew about Jax having sex with her.

“Yes she knew about the San Diego girl. Tiffany booked a hotel for his birthday there but she and him had a fight. So she didn’t go and he went with his friends and slept with another girl in San Diego. When he got back that day she broke up with him. He then went back to Carmen”.

And to make matters even worse Tiffany paid for the trip. “Tiffany paid for that weekend and didn’t go. So Jax took advantage of it! Carmen was dating Jax when he was in San Diego.”

So it sounds like Jax was still dating both women when he slept with the girl in San Diego.

Looks like next week Jax will have some explaining to do!

Photo Source: Bravo

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