Monday night on the season premiere of The Bachelor there were A LOT of situations.
A few of those situations occurred during the rose ceremony.
Chris Harrison no longer blogs for the EW. His Bachelor blog is now on Yahoo. He had this to say about the drunkest girl in rose ceremony history and confused Kimberly who did not follow the directions of the Bachelor production crew and wandered back into the mansion after being eliminated.

“The rose ceremony the first night is always a mix of excitement and nerves. What can you say about our girl Tara? It appears her friends Jameson, Johnny Walker, and Jim Beam did not treat her well. Tara had a little too much to drink. It happens every season and even though these people do it to themselves, I always feel a little bad for them.”
“During the night several girls tried to get Tara to dial it back but she kept rolling. Sometimes you can’t be saved from yourself. Chris didn’t notice just how sauced she was until the rose ceremony where she could barely stand up. He walked out of the room so we could talk. To be honest, he was pretty turned off by it all. He came extremely close to pulling her rose and sending her home. He ended up giving her a first night pass, but she clearly has a lot to do to make up for that performance.”
Not a great first impression….Chris goes on to talk about the yoga instructor who did not accept her elimination.
“As the first night (or really, morning) finally came to an end, it didn’t. We were watching the interviews in the control room when we noticed that Kimberly took off. Our producer told us she was walking back in the house to talk to Chris. That’s where we left you after a long, wild first night but I can confirm that you’ll definitely see more about Kimberly next week.”
Oh good! I think we need a little more Kimberly and it sounds like he does not give her the boot right away so her strategy worked!
Photo Source (ABC/Rick Rowell)
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