WHOAH! Stop the presses!!! At least the presses that said that Kaitlyn Bristowe was the new Bachelorette. Well, she is…sort of. For the FIRST time in Bachelorette history ABC will have not one but TWO Bachelorettes!! 30-year-old Vancouver Dance Instructor Kaitlyn Bristowe and 27-year-old Hollywood actress and waitress Britt Nilsson will both compete to find love in the 2015 season when it airs this summer. ABC made the announcement on the After The Final Rose special following The Bachelor finale.

Source: ABC

Chris Harrison explained on AFTR that producers simply could not decide so they didn’t. They chose both.
So how will this work?
Well both women will meet all the Bachelorette contestants and the men will decide which woman they want to compete for…and that is gonna be a tough decision because both girls are drop dead gorgeous.
Chris Harrison admitted this was uncharted territory for the franchise but should be very interesting for sure!