
Kaitlyn Bristowe meets the Families after Fantasy Suite time

Last week on The Bachelorette Chris Harrison proclaimed that “everything was about to change”! He also told Kaitlyn she needed more time to “level the playing field” after it was revealed that she had had sex with Nick Viall on a one-on-one. So in light of Kaitlyn’s indiscretion producers had to move things around a bit…..aka it would have been too awkward to go straight from sex with Nick to Hometowns so they stayed in Ireland to “level the playing field” aka schedule some Fantasy Suites.

So tonight Kaitlyn and Ben H. go on a lovely horseback riding date in the Irish countryside and stumble upon an impromptu picnic and later enjoy dinner in an Irish castle. That about sums it up.

Anyhoo, the real show is the Nick and Shawn showdown. Nick tries to sabotage Kaitlyn and Shawn’s budding relationship by telling Kaitlyn Shawn told a story about “becoming Eskimo brothers with a country western singer” by having sex with the same girl the same day.

The news concerns Kaitlyn—after all what guy would have sexual relations with a girl who was also being intimate with someone else?

But before Kaitlyn confronts Shawn the two go golfing. Kaitlyn takes the opportunity to demand Shawn get naked—as anyone would. Shawn takes off his pants only to reveal another pair of pants! But Shawn has no qualms about getting naked and having a black box cover his genitals.

He then runs down the golf course and at last we see the clip from the initial previews where naked guy runs with Kaitlyn crying and confessing to sex. Producers made it look like the naked guy was running from a hotel room after getting caught—-so obviously not the case. But if you were like me you have been waiting all season to see that clip.

Later Kaitlyn grills Shawn about why he hates Nick so much over dinner. “I did talk to him,” Shawn replied. “I kind of wanted to do it for myself because I’m not a person who talks about people behind their back. I just went over to his place and I told him I think he’s an a–hole, because he is.”

In response to the Eskimo brothers story Shawn claims that Nick is “insane.”

Despite the confrontation the two head to their Fantasy Suite for some “off-camera” time.

When Shawn leaves the FS in the morning he runs in to Nick and tells him he has no interest in talking to him.


Then cut to rose ceremony, some things happen. Some roses are handed out and scene.

Kaitlyn meets the families

Then we move to the families who apparently have never seen the show and don’t realize their presence on the show means we are at the end–or they are just confused because Hometowns are not really Hometowns–For some reason this season there are no official “Hometowns”. The families are all set up in a hotel somewhere where they can meet Kaitlyn.

So Nick has a gigantic family! There are 11 kids. Nick is the second oldest and I know a lot of people assumed he was Mormon but it looks like his family is actually Catholic–notice the names. His parents Chris and Mary met very young in church.

Anyhow, mom is crying and I am not sure why. She is really worried since he was so hurt by Andi, but why would Nick come back if the experience was so traumatic?

Nick tells his mom that he is in love with Kaitlyn and is “99 percent sure” that Kaitlyn feels the same. I am not sure why he felt the need to confide in mom that Kaitlyn was “great at making out.”

So we meet several brothers and a couple of sisters including baby sister Bella.

Next up Shawn….

Shawn clearly really loves his family and values their opinion. Shawn’s father Steven and two older sisters Meghann and Jesse are all very protective and weren’t you all thinking “oh my God I wonder what they are thinking and saying now after giving Shawn their approval?”

BTW, Notice how Shawn’s mom was not there. That’s probably because his mom and dad are divorced.

Shawn tells Kaitlyn he is in love with her and she breathes a sigh of relief.

Kaitlyn is having even more anxiety than ever after meeting the families of her two final suitors. I think her main anxiety is coming from the thought that sex with Nick is on tape and how the heck am I going to spin this in a few weeks when it airs?

Stay tuned next week for Men Tell All !

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Photo Source: ABC


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