
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorce conspiracy

Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the 81s...
Actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt at the 81st Academy Awards (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Situation alert! The world’s most ridiculously good-looking couple is over. Angelina Jolie, 41 filed for divorce from husband Brad Pitt, 52 on Monday, September 19th, 2016 after a 14-year relationship.

But not only did Jolie file, she filed requesting sole custody of their 6 children: Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and twins Knox and Vivienne, 8.

This case is interesting because both celebrities have huge fortunes and Jolie is not asking for spousal support.

So why did she ambush Brad with such vitriol and launch a smear campaign against him? Why would she be so aggressive about denying him joint custody of his own children?

The media is citing an incident on their private plane in which he allegedly got physical with son Maddox, but after 14 years is that really a deal breaker?

Not to mention sources claim the allegations of child abuse are thin and will likely not be investigated any further.

Sources (aka Angie’s camp) claim Brad was abusing pot, but again is this a deal breaker? Especially after Angelina’s struggles with heroine abuse.

What I am getting at is I think there is more going on here. More than just a pissed off Angelina trying to get revenge because Pitt cheated on her with some Russian hookers. More than just Angelina trying to protect her adopted son Maddox.

I always look for the sub-text in stories like this and I think this quote from an insider was key,

“Brad has traditional parenting skills — thinks the kids need structure [like] bed times, consistent schooling,” the source says. “Angelina’s parenting style is much more freeform. She’s not into setting boundaries.”

This is from ET Online who has had a close relationship with the stars for years. In other words I strongly suspect this “source” was coming directly from someone in their camp. And it cleverly reveals the real reason for the divorce, in my opinion,….Shiloh.

Yes it’s been no secret that Shiloh Pitt is having gender identity issues and wants to be a boy. In fact both parents have ceded to her request to be called “John”.

I suspect that Shiloh wants to begin transitioning to become a boy and Brad is not consenting because he is “more traditional” and thinks she is too young.

Angelina, on the other hand, who works for the UN (that is key) is ready to consent and begin the process. In fact Jolie has sort of transitioned herself as she has had both her breasts and womb removed.

In 2014 Angelina Jolie played the queen in Maleficent yet the “queen” looked identical to the bi-gender Baphomet.

The UN has been aggressively hammering this Baphomet bi-gender meme for some time so it would make sense that Jolie would become the poster-child for this new world gender-less human. And it would make sense that she would have a daughter that would transition.

The UN is also aggressively pushing for the rights of children to determine their gender without the consent of their parents. They certainly would need a “poster-child”— a child that would transition so all the world can see there is nothing to be afraid of.

A few years ago I said Bruce Jenner would transition to become a woman. Why? Because Bruce is the archetypal symbol of the alpha-male so it would be very important for him to “shift” to an alpha-female.

Thus somewhere out there there had to be an archetypal woman that would experience the shift from female to male—and there would have to be a child.

Jolie has been almost cartoonish in her representation of female beauty. And her representation of the mother figure—even adopting a child from every nation.

Yet, she has slowly neutered herself over the years–she has been created as the symbol for the feminine and motherhood and then forced to destroy that which makes her female, that which allows her to be a mother.

It would make perfect sense that the child of the ideal male and ideal female would be born as a sort of sacrifice…a gender sacrifice.

In fact notice how many A-List celebrities have a child with gender identity disorder? It certainly appears way out of proportion to the general population. These children are gender sacrifices.

Celebrities on the dark side had to sacrifice a child usually a son…think John Travolta or Sylvester Stallone. Stars on the “light” side have to make a gender sacrifice…Warren Beatty and Annette Bening, Sonny and Cher, Brad and Angie, etc.

Now that the time has come for Shiloh to transition Brad is not ready to lose his little girl.

But the significance of Shiloh’s transition is paramount for the UN agenda, thus a lot of folks in the know have conspired behind the scenes to ensure this can happen and to ensure it can happen Brad can not have a say in the decision.

I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Jolie was at the UN a week earlier.

Pitt is determined to fight this battle in court, but it will be an uphill battle I think. He hired attorney Lance Speigel, a top family law attorney.

Mr Spiegel’s previous clients include Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen and Eva Longeria.

Jolie hired Laura Wasser, who recently represented Johnny Depp in his divorce from actress Amber Heard.


Here is an interesting video of Jolie from 1999 talking about being initiated into the Illuminati….


Was Alexis Arquette a blood sacrifice for this UN Transgender agenda? Is it significant that her death occurred 1 week before Angelina filed papers for divorce?

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