
Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky defends his girlfriend

Corinne Olympios’ boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky defends his girlfriend

The Corinne Olympios’ story keeps getting more bizarre. She lawyered up after engaging in oral sex with co-star DeMario Jackson, but guess what? Even after the infamous pool sitch she continued hooking up with other guys. All while she had a boyfriend back home!

Isn’t the point of Bachelor in Paradise to find a potential life partner and isn’t the number 1 requirement being single and available?

Anyhow apparently being in a committed relationship with boyfriend Jordan Gielchinsky did not stop her from getting intimate with other guys during her brief time on the show.

And shockingly the news that Corinne was intimate with other guys doesn’t seem to bother Jordan.

After Warner Bros. released a statement Tuesday with the results of their investigation finding no misconduct, Jordan is speaking up and defending his girl.jordan-gielchinsky

“I have known Corinne for over 10 years and as a friend or boyfriend, she will continue to receive my unwavering loyalty and support until I decide that there is a legitimate reason not to give it,” he told E! News.

“I pay very little attention to the media and try to ignore all the conjecture surrounding my relationship with Corinne,” he said. “The only two people who know the true disposition of our relationship is Corinne and I.”

I guess that’s true.

Host Chris Harrison issued a statement saying that “the safety and care of the cast and crew of our show is of the utmost importance to us.”

“It is with this thought in mind that we made the decision to suspend filming,” he said. “An investigation into the situation was started immediately. Warner Bros. is handling the details of that investigation. They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done, a clear, concise decision can be made about where we go from here.”

Unfortunately for Corinne the entire event is well documented and supposedly shows clear consent.

No word yet on whether Olympios and Jackson will resume filming.

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