
Evidence Michael Stagliano was dating Emily Tuchscherer before Bachelor Pad

We received an amazing piece of evidence from one of our readers that Michael Stagliano was indeed dating his current girlfriend, Emily Tuchscherer, prior to going on Bachelor Pad 3. You can see the date on screenshot featuring the Instagram pic of Michael with his arms crossed in front of him wearing sunglasses is 8-30-2012 and @EmilyTuch (Emily’s Twitter handle) left a comment that’s time stamped as being left 3 months prior (so, roughly around the end of May, 2012) that says: “Now I remember, this was the look that captivated me:)”. INTERESTING!!!
UPDATE 05/25/2014: CONGRATULATIONS! Michael Stagliano just married Emily Tuchscherer!!!
We LOVE evidence! We especially love the dedication someone had to the cause. And we love that it’s allegedly coming from one of Emily’s “friends.” HAHA! I mean…that’s not a friend! SHENANIGANS and SITUATIONS are happening left and right here people!
Michael Stagliano girlfriend 2012This all means that Michael and Emily had definitely started their courtship prior to all of the Michael-and-Rachel shenanigans on the Pad. I mean, sure…Michael could have told Emily he was going on the show and that he wanted to be “single” on the show and she could have agreed…. But, considering they picked things right back up where they left off once he was booted from the Pad…. well, that makes him look like a bit of a schmuck and it makes this Emily look like a bit of a push-over. 🙁

It’s all looking just a TAD suspect…..
Michael Stagliano and his girlfriend, Emily Tuchscherer,
Here’s the email we received from one of our readers in full, along with the “proof” (in the form of screenshots from Instagram):
“Please see attached. The twitter accounts for Michael Stagliano and his girlfriend, Emily Tuchscherer, show up on Instagram. He made sure to ask her to protect Twitter but they forgot to close Instagram. You can clearly see Michael Stag talking to Emily Tuch and her sister, Clare Tuchscherer who goes by Claretuch on Twitter talking to Michael and the date on my computer screen shot on the lower right hand corner of the screen shows 8/30/2012 and next to each Tweet in Instagram where they talk back and forth to each other, you can clearly see the dates.
One of the chats says 3MO, which on Instagram means 3 months before 8/30/2012. That is at least 1 week before filming where Emily tells Michael “that is the look that captured my heart”. Then in the Tweets that include Michael’s PR rep and Emily, it shows them talking about their time between the sheets. This is dated Aug 3rd which is right after he came home from filming.
He has been lying to everyone and this more than proves it. I am attaching the screenshots labeled for you to post to your website. I was told by a magazine who is also going to publish that this is all public info and can be posted. Emily Tuchscherer’s friend sent me the shots and says she has more proof but wanted to stick with the social media apps that are open to anyone.”

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