
BiP Reunion to discuss Caelynn Miller / Blake sextgate

BiP Reunion to discuss Caelynn Miller / Blake sextgate

Tuesday nights season 6 BiP Reunion promises to be interesting given this seasons assortment of sordid situations. One of those salacious situations was Stagecoach Sextgate starring Blake Horstmann and Caelynn Miller-Keyes.

Allegedly Blake hooked up with Caelynn at Stagecoach*right* after he hooked up with Kristina Schulman. Not only that she implies that Blake made her keep her mouth shut about the hookup and ghosted her.

Blake didn’t take the allegations well and after he left Paradise he went on Instagram to “clear his name” by sharing the texts between himself and Caelynn at Stagecoach.

“I’m deeply sorry for my actions at Stagecoach, but telling the world that I silenced a woman amongst many other harmful accusations was just too much.”

Caelynn shot back: “Blake was not a one night stand at a music festival and the ‪5 a.m.‬ text exchange that Blake chose to share is not an accurate representation of our past relationship.”

She continued, “I attempted to address my feelings and the situation with Blake face to face. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t get the same respect in return, and I am absolutely mortified our private texts were put out there for the world to see and judge by someone who I trusted and consider a friend nonetheless.”

Caelynn also claimed they FaceTimed every day and talked about skipping Paradise to be together. “When I say he ghosted me, it was after those few months of us talking,” she said. “It was my understanding there was no one else and I thought we were on the same page.”caelynnsexting

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