Apparently, someone is so outraged that Courtney Robertson is doing The Bachelor they outed her as a cheater on The post is by photographerinla:23 and is titled “Courtney Robertson from the Bachelor is a lying cheater!” We just did a break-down on the one-on-one Monday night between Bachelor Ben and Courtney. We were certain she was hiding something based on her body language and odd verbal banter. It was apparent to us that she was on the show for very self-serving reasons. Not merely to advance her career, but also to make an ex-boyfriend that had recently cheated on her jealous.
This post on Cheaterville would support the contention that Courtney is not what she appears. She clearly needs A LOT of attention and according to this guy, she cheated on him to get it. We know the editors of The Bachelor do a lot of editing to paint people into certain roles, but the one-on-one was painfully transparent. No amount of editing could edit out the fact that she was clearly lying.
Post in Cheaterville:
“When I found out Courtney Robertson was on the Bachelor, I laughed! Not only because she is the biggest liar ever, but because she will do almost anything to become famous… which I suppose is working right now!
I dated Courtney right after she broke up from actor Jesse Metcalfe, whom she CHEATED on WITH ME, and our relationship ended a few months later because I found out she was sleeping with ANOTHER photographer in Las Vegas at the same time as she was crashing at my pad in Los Angeles.
When I saw her on The Bachelor I had to come to Cheaterville and out her, so that the viewers can see who she really is. She is a fake and I’ve heard through friends that she actually WINS this season, which amazes me because that would mean she is engaged to Ben (The Bachelor). What I find even funnier though is that she still text messages some of my friends to hang with her… pretty sneaky for a girl who just won the show right?!
Anyways, she is a cheating liar, and hopefully Ben sees her true colors and dumps her ass like all of us before him did.
Good luck Beno!”
The comments under the post on Cheaterville are interesting and sound suspiciously like they may be from Courtney or from friends of Courtney. Judge for yourself .
Comments from Cheaterville:
“Posted By: Notoldandbald | 1/11/12 4:32 AM
Clearly this guy, whoever he is, is not a fan of Courtney and clearly this commenter IS a fan of Courtney, which is why I think it is probably Courtney herself. I mean, who else would know the dude is bald? Obviously there are two sides to every story, but it’s been long enough that he shouldn’t be outraged about her dating other dudes. So she must have done something to leave such a bad taste in his mouth and prompt him to contact Cheaterville! It’s unclear who the longtime ex-boyfriend she dumped prior to the show is. Hopefully he will emerge soon with some dirt of his own so we can get to the bottom of this situation!
more on Courtney Robertson:
Vote now: Weigh in on ‘The Bachelor’s’ Courtney Robertson
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