
Suspicion: Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson break up

Ok – I swear I’m not trying to trick users into a click a la the highly annoying Bachelor Wetpaint website. I really, truly think former Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson are DONE, OVER, KAPUT. Why do I think this? Well, first of all, I never thought their relationship would last. Our opinion here … Read more

Our Julia Flajnik Pearl Necklace Predictions: Were we wrong?

Once it was clear Bachelor Season 16 villain Courtney Robertson was going to make it to the season finale, where Ben’s family (Momma Flajnik and Julia Flajnik) would get to meet his final two ladies, I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation because I, like most viewers, was SO SURE Ben’s family … Read more

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson: “Back from Puerto Vallarta!”

UPDATE: We have received an amazing citizen update from an eyewitness in Puerto Vallarta who spotted the couple. Our reader “Amiga,” who was on vacation in the town, claims they were there since last Wednesday!!! From her comment below: “The tweets they sent the past few days were all to get people of track. Like … Read more

Spotted: Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson unhappily ever after

I love the latest update in Life & Style on Season 16 Bachelor Ben Flajnik and his “winner” Courtney Robertson. Apparently the two were spotted on March 18th, 2012 — just under a week after the dramatic season finale and the Chris Harrison “arm chair” After the Final Rose love consult aired — cruising around San Francisco … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ finale and ‘After the Final Rose’ special: Your faves weigh in

Ben Flajnik proposing to Courtney Robertson

It’s our final roundup of recaps for the season. Welcome! If you are dying to hear what we had to say about the finale, please check out our Bachelor Season 16 finale-related articles: Now, let’s see what some of your favorite bloggers, fans and former contestants had to say: From Bachelor Ben Flajnik: “Courtney. Oh, … Read more

‘Bachelor’ runner-up Lindzi Cox foregos the ‘After the Final Rose’

UPDATE: Ok, we have since read, in Chris Harrison’s awesome Popwatch blog, that Lindzi Cox was actually present for the taping of the After the Final Rose show, but because of time constraints and the bevy of SITUATIONS surrounding Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Bachelor Season 16 winner Courtney “WINNING” Robertson, they didn’t bring her out. … Read more

Did Bachelor Ben Flajnik break up with Courtney Robertson?


Bachelor Nation sits in anticipation of not this week’s Bachelor Season 16 finale, but of this week’s After the Final Rose special. No season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette has ever been this spoiled prior to the finale airing. We hate spoilers and try to not read spoilers, but they were EVERYWHERE this season: … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ finale: Good vs. Courtney

Oh….the drama. You gotta love how much ABC must love that they’ve pitted the entire country (really, the globe) against Bachelor Season 16 frontrunner model Courtney Robertson, 28. I mean…Courtney gave the show’s editors a lot of hate-filled sound bytes and footage to work with, so she can only be so surprised by her show … Read more

Pearl Necklace Predictions: ‘The Bachelor Season 16’ finale

We talk a lot about the enneagram here on Ok! Here is the Situation, because we find it to be a fun lens to view the world through in terms of deciphering people’s personalities, motives, strengths and weaknesses. And, for all enneagram personality types (or, “numbers”), it’s interesting to notice whether or not someone is … Read more

Courtney Robertson on the Women Tell All: Who’s crying now?

This week’s episode was a Bachelor first!!! It was the first time in Bachelor history that a finalist has ever been on the Women Tell All. And the amazing ladies managed to make the evil robot model cry! But, we are left wondering, were the tears out of remorse and guilt for how she treated … Read more