
Model Courtney Robertson’s love letter to Bachelor Ben Flajnik

The Bachelor folks just posted this clip of Courtney and Ben together on one of their fan sites. It’s a pre-episode-2-rose-ceremony clip that didn’t make the editing cut. How can I tell that’s when it was shot? Well, because Courtney was wearing the same DOILY-fashioned dress in the rose ceremony, so this must have been shot during the episode 2 cocktail party. The contents of the clip? Well, it would seem Courtney decided to write Ben a “love letter” of sorts, reflecting on their magical one-on-one date and how she can see the potential for “falling in love” and spending the rest of their lives together. I mean, WHOA! All after ONE date?! See for yourselves:

To be fair, I have to admit they look very at ease around each other. But I just can’t shake, as Ok! Here is the Situation’s C Lo reported, the fact that she seems to be hiding something: like the fact that she dumped her long-time boyfriend to be on the show and was completely lying to Ben throughout the entirety of their first one-on-one date!


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