Is Sean Lowe currently in ABC discussions about becoming the next Bachelor? We know he made a mid-week trip to Los Angeles last week according to Twitter (thank God for Twitter — keeping us abreast of these important Bachelor situations!) and it left us wondering if he was meeting with producers to discuss becoming the show’s next lead.
But let’s be fair to Sean. He is certainly good looking enough and sweet enough to be the lead, but we just can not handle the idea that ABC’s “uber catch” of 2013 might be a State Farm insurance salesman! Ok, ok, insurance is a perfectly respectable profession, but not for an ABC fantasy husband. And we gotta be honest. Emily’s season was a little too G-rated for us. We want to see some impulsive improv inappropriate for prime time behavior a la the Courtney Robertson skinny dip. We want to see charismatic Arie, who can handle any situation and will surely get naked for an unscheduled skinny dip. We love how easily he falls in love and how genuine he is with each amazing lady.
So just to be clear, Sean Lowe was not OUR first pick for “next Bachelor.” Our top picks, in order, were:
- Arie Luyendyk, Jr.
- A new, fresh-faced mystery man
- Roberto Martinez
- The Weatherman
- Ryan Locthe
- Sean Lowe