
Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock and the Ben Scott situation

Ben Scott, 29 the 6’2″, charming, gregarious Bartender/single dad from Dallas/Lubbock, Texas has become the Courtney Robertson of The Bachelorette.

Ben is rubbing the guys in the house the wrong way to put it mildly by not playing by the guy code.

Ready for Love - Season 1

SIDE NOTE: Ben Scott dated Erica Larson, a contestant on NBC’s Ready for Love and he is friends with 26-year-old Angela Zatopek from the show. We are still investigating whether or not the two are dating.

Scott, spoke in a media conference call Thursday to discuss the situation.

Have you gotten any heat for introducing your son on the first night?
It didn’t matter what everybody else thought. [I only wondered] how is this going to affect Desiree and my son’s mother? I confirmed with her that she was 100 percent okay with this before any of it happened.

Were you worried Des might not be ready to be a stepmom?
The main reason I brought Brody was to see how Des reacted when she [realized] I was a father. It was a big risk. It could have gone two ways: [either] she’s going to love the fact that I’m a father, proud of my son, or it’s going to show me that she’s not ready to jump into a relationship where she has to become a mother figure. Des was 100 percent open to [it]. It made me extremely happy. That’s one of the reasons our relationship grew so fast.

Do you regret barging in on Michael’s one-on-one time?
I have no regrets. This is a show to find love. I was there to see if [she’s] the one I’m going to spend life with and I had my way of going about it. That came back to bite me with some guys. But without time, you can’t grow your relationship. Those minutes I got were great minutes that helped. I love talking to her. Could how I got that time been handled differently? Of course. But you’re nervous in a situation you’re not used to and I saw her and wanted to talk. I feel bad that I hurt somebody’s feelings but in the moment, it felt right.Are the guys acting out of jealousy because you got the first rose?
From what I hear, getting the first rose isn’t always the best thing. It was for me. It was confirmation that this was where I needed to be and what I should be pursuing. It was a great step in our journey.

How’d it feel to see them talking about you behind your back?
I’ve gone into this process knowing that things may be said that I may not like. I’m not worrying about what other people said. I don’t hold anything against the other guys. They have a right to their opinions.

Seems like you’re being set up as this season’s villain. Fair or unfairly targeted?
Some people make judgments without truly knowing somebody. People will decide on their own.

Was your first impression that Des could be the one?
I don’t jump into things extremely fast, but there was definitely a connection. We have a lot of things in common and things are going really well. I’m excited. Des is an amazing kisser.

Well I guess we will see what happens, but it doesn’t bode well that Desiree could not remember his name in an interview with Katie Couric recently.

3 thoughts on “Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock and the Ben Scott situation”

  1. (I’ve been reading your blog for a while! Thought I would come out of the shadows today…)

    This guy is too PC to be honest. Something smells really fishy about him. Yuck.
    And that tank top on the last episode? BARF.

    That is all!


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