Juan Pablo Galavis, 32-year-old Venezeulan star of season 18 of The Bachelor talked about his experience in an interview with Access Hollywood Live on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
Juan Pablo claims he got discouraged and often wanted to just give up and go home.
“Phew! A couple of times. Yeah, a couple of times. It’s hard. I don’t like hurting people, and it gets tough as you start getting to know people better.”
“I took the chance [because] I knew that 25 [women] were going to be there who knew who I was, knew what I want,” he said.
Here is what he said about several of the ladies:
Sharleen: “She’s very elegant. She had a different dress than anybody else. She’s got mundo — she’s worldly. She’s an opera singer, she lives in Germany, she’s Canadian…I saw her getting out of the limo, [and I thought,] ‘Whoa, that dress is not from an American girl.'” (The dress in question was a blush-colored blouson gown with graceful draping and a jewel neck.)
Renee: “When I saw her, she introduced herself, she says she’s a mom. So I thought, ‘Okay, a little bit like me.'”
Nikki: “She cares about other people, so that’s important to me.”
Andi: “She’s very quick-minded. She’s smart…she likes to read.”
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