
Are Dan Cox and Ashley Salter still together?

Dan Cox, 32 and Ashley Salter, 24 surprised everyone when they made a connection very early on in the hospital where Ashley S was sent for a mystery illness. The two seem really cute together and quite compatible, but remember things are not always as they appear.

It looks like the Beverage Sales Director from Las Vegas, Nevada is losing interest in Ashley.

According to ABC:

“Ashley S., who is falling for Dan, is shocked when he tells her he has serious doubts about their relationship.”

So are Dan Cox and Ashley Salter still together?

And if you have read the Bachelor in Paradise Spoilers you know that Dan and Ashley do not even make it to the final episode. On episode 4 Dan is asked out by new comer Amber James from Chris Soules season after he sort of breaks up with Ashley–although he tells her he still has feeling for her—-and Dan gives his rose to Amber. But later JJ Lane saves Ashley S and gives her his rose before he walks off to pursue a girl back home. So despite still being in love with Dan she goes on a date with trainer Nick Peterson.

So both explore relationships with other people and are eliminated before the finale. It’s pure speculation on my part, but it looks like Dan may have found love with Carly Waddell. How did that happen? Carly is in the very fortunate situation of having a brother—Zak Waddell who is also part of the Bachelor Nation franchise and he happens to be friends with Dan.

More Bachelor in Paradise situations

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Photo Source: ABC

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