
Hi, Taylor. I’m your new step mom, Blakeley Shea

Before The Bachelor or Bachelor Pad, Blakeley Shea (also known as Blakeley Jones), the 34-year-old “VIP Cocktail Waitress” from Rutherfordton, NC was workin’ her talents as a Hooter’s waitress/Hooter’s swimsuit model/girl in a tight T-shirt and now Blakeley is taking on a new title…step-mom. No wonder Tony Pieper is so smitten with the reality star. As you can see from the photos below, the girl has a lot of talent.

She was a contestant in the Hooters International Swimsuit Pageant in Las Vegas on July 27, 2006, as well as an underwear model.

Tony Pieper and son Taylounderwear model.

And the rumor mills are pumping out rumors that Monday night’s “shocking” finale will feature a proposal from Tony

Pieper, the 31-year-old Lumber Trader from Beaverton, Oregon. Blakeley quickly fell in love with Tony right after she learned Chris Bukowski was “just not that in to her”.

Some people may find it a bit strange how fast Blakeley rebounded from her obsession with Chris and not to sound too “judgy,” but the girl may have a few issues with abandonment, and Tony may be a little less of her “dream man” and a little more of a “sure thing”. None-the-less this may just be a match made in Bachelor Pad heaven! So here you go Taylor, son of Tony Pieper…’s your new step mom!!!

Viva Bachelor Pad!…and Hooters!

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