
Michael Hastings killed for investigating NSA?

Looks like journalist/whistleblower Michael Hastings, killed in a high-speed car crash, was an active member of Project PM, a crowd-sourced research effort to expose government intelligence contractors.

It’s really hard to know who the good guys and who the bad guys are now. After all Hastings did admit to working for the CIA. So I’m not entirely sure if he was murdered for being a benevolent journalist interested in exposing corruption or for working for the Bush/CIA faction of global cabal or for working for The Communitarian OWS faction.

But I am fairly certain he was murdered. I mean the facts surrounding the death, especially the photos are so inconsistent it almost seems intentional as a means of warning other journalists they are next if they try and expose Obama.

So that said certainly someone did not want Hastings investigating NSA no matter who he was working for.

The Project PM initiative was founded by Barrett Brown who was arrested by the FBI and currently faces up to 105 years in prison. Brown is described as the “brain trust” for the hacktivist group Anonymous.

“If you care that the surveillance state is expanding in capabilities and intent without being effectively opposed by the population of the West, you can assist in making this an actionable resource for journalists, activists, and other interested parties,” the Project PM wiki states. “Consider doing a bit of research on the companies and government agencies listed on this wiki, or even adding new topic for investigation by our participants.”

So this is puzzling. Again, was this project really about exposing the surveillance state or was it about exposing one group of would-be global dictators in favor of another? Remember Hastings was being investigated by the FBI while he admitted to working for the CIA. (We may be witnessing an internal war…FBI/NSA vs. CIA).

But honestly I’m not sure what side Anonymous is on. I know there are at least two factions vying for control of the globe…The Communitarians (Obama/Soros/Kissinger) and the Fascists (Bush/Cheney/Military Industrial Complex/CIA).

Anonymous could be The Communitarian side especially if they are in fact in support of Occupy Wall Street as they appear to be. But then again the REAL Anonymous may have been the ones warning about OWS as a psy-op.

So all that aside, someone appears to not like what Hastings was uncovering regardless of his MO.

This is really confusing but this is the situation as I understand it:

Barrett Brown apparently pasted a link in an Anonymous IRC chat room to a document full of credit card numbers and their authentication codes stolen from the security company Stratfor (a supposed CIA shadow company). The hack released over five million internal emails published to Wikileaks. (Not even sure what side Wikileaks is on, but that is the situation).

The discovery prompted a large scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack against Wikileaks.

Brown also discovered the software being used for massive surveillance of Americans was owned by Abraxas Corporation run by a former CIA spook, Richard Helms.

More on Hastings Death Conspiracy

So that sounds like the Bush faction was getting it’s hands on the Banker-run NSA technology and likely using said technology to spy on the banks. I have said all along Snowden was a plant by the banks to expose the NSA which was being threatened by the Bush faction.

The NSA is run by the banks (Communitarian OWS agenda) and they need to keep it that way. Snowden running to China is a dead giveaway about what side he was on. The other give-away is the bizarre cult hero status Snowden has received from Social media.

So if Michael Hastings’ was exposing both the FBI and the CIA, then he may have truly been independent and would therefore not have protection from either side. The accident looks like a classic maffia hit which is one reason I suspect it was a hit by Obama. Obama is old-school heavy hand mafia hits all the way.

Like I said this hit is so obvious it appears to be intentionally sloppy to ensure other whistleblowers and journalists will tow the line.

2 thoughts on “Michael Hastings killed for investigating NSA?”

  1. “So that sounds like the Bush faction was getting it’s hands on the Banker-run NSA technology and likely using said technology to spy on the banks. I have said all along Snowden was a plant by the banks to expose the NSA which was being threatened by the Bush faction.”

    Why would the banks plant Snowden to expose the “Banker-run NSA technology”? That doesn’t make sense.

    Anyway, Obama and Bush are nothing more than puppets. They do as they are told.

    • the banks aren’t running NSA… the military complex is. They have gotten out of hand and are using the technology to spy on the banks and the banks are angry. So they are trying to take down this monster they created.


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