
Season 9 Bachelorette Recap Episode 7: Your faves weigh in

Photo: ABC/Angus Muir

Ok, to start, what was up with ABC flying Catherine Giudici, Jackie Parr and Leslie Murphy all the way to Portugal just to peer at Desiree’s dudes through binoculars? They must have met the guys, grilled them and then ABC decided to edit that entire part out? Because the set-up was that Desiree “needed their help” figuring a few things out about the guys, and all we saw was them letting her know which dudes look good with their shirts off through their binoculars. Very. Strange.

Also, did anyone else think Catherine’s response to “How are you and Sean doing?” strange? All she said was that they both decided them wanted a best friend, and so that’s what they’re doing. Um, ok? How romantic! I mean, yes. We all hope our spouse is also our best friend, but she could have added a bit more convincing color to the answer to convince us that they’re really the real deal.

The big twist this episode was that basically Desiree ends up telling Chris Harrison that she’s picked her guy already: Brooks Forester. And so now it looks like the producers are going to try to edit the show to make it look like Brooks can’t make up his mind about liking her or not.

Their 1on1 date was a bit odd. I mean, by this point, JP Rosenbaum was already way head-over-heels for Bachelorette Ashley Hebert. And, for Brooks, all he could muster to say to the cameras was that “We’ve determined that we both want to fall in love with someone.” Good God! We want to see people like JP getting swept up into the amazing love-producing psychosis of the show. Let’s get with the program, Brooks!

At least Michael Garofola produced a good gem regarding his 1on1 with Des: “I hope at the end of this 1on1 date that she can see being with me for the rest of her life.” Amazing!

I really like Chris Siegfried, but the poetry angle is a bit too sappy and over-the-top for me. Plus, he was drinking a glass of rose whilst reciting his love poem. Bleg. I kept feeling so much second-hand awkwardness while listening to Chris read his poem.

Regarding the 2on1 date: I love how they make these guys go no a go-kart racing date in Portugal. That’s something you do when you’re in Podunk Town USA and there’s nothing to do. Not in Portugal! Ahh!

I guess we shall see what happens with Brooks. The show is definitely getting more interesting (finally) now that we’re seeing a Bachelorette make her final guy call so early.

So, what’s the rest of Bachelor Nation saying? Here are links to some of your favorite bloggers bloggin’ about the show!


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