Well tonight we had Hometown dates and some major situations surfaced especially with 32-year-old Clare Crawley and her bizarre Hometown in Sacramento, California.
The two meet in a park in Sacto and feed some geese where Clare talks again about her deceased father.
Later Juan Pablo Galavis meets her mother and her sisters and he REALLY gets the 3rd degree tonight from Clare’s older sister Lara who is apparently also her mother’s mouthpiece. Her sister really gave Nate Hartsock a run for his crazy-sibling money tonight!
Lara apparently does not want the mother to actually speak and somehow feels that Clare will ‘manipulate’ the mom–the scene suggests that Clare has ‘manipulated’ the mom in the past.
Leading me to the question, why was Clare’s family treating her like she is special needs? Is there something we don’t know about her? Does she have multiple personalities? or BPD? or some sort of weird personality disorder?
She is an adult right?
I seriously thought her sister was her mom. What is the age difference here?
Is there some serious jealousy happening here or what? And what was up with the indeterminate ethnicity of her family members? The mom has an accent.
Clare said in the beginning of the show that she is ‘part Mexican’ so I suspect that is from the mom. The sister definitely looks Hispanic but Clare does not.
So the epic awkwardness of the scene explains why one insider was claiming that Clare’s Hometown did not go well.
Here is what an insider had to say:
‘Well my source gave me permission to share little bits of the HTD. And after hearing what my source said, I feel less certain that Clare made it past HTD’s. The HTD did not go well.
My source said that while there’s a mutual attraction, those outside of the bubble aren’t convinced that JP & Clare are a good match.’
Did the family know about her having sex with JP in the ocean? What situations have occurred in Clare’s past that has made the family so concerned? So many questions!
Thank God tomorrow night we get ANOTHER episode of The Bachelor and we get to see what happens in the fantasy suites and hopefully get some answers to these questions!
Although Clare has already been to the ‘fantasy suite’ if ya know what I mean. If you have any details on Clare’s family please share with us.
Who is Juan Pablo Galavis’ family?
UPDATE: FEB 23TH Clare Crawley engaged to Benoit Savard!
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