
Joe Bailey tries to blackmail Samantha Steffen in to liking him!

Wow this really is the MOST dramatic season of Bachelor in Paradise in Bachelor history. Tonight Kentucky State Farm Insurance agent Joe Bailey, 29 continues circling the drain with 28-year-old contestant Samantha Steffen. Samantha was not responding to his attempts to regain her affection—even his sad birthday party failed to dazzle the young fashion designer.

So tonight the situation keeps getting worse and Joe continues swirling down this shame spiral and in a fit of desperation pulls out his last card———he  tries to blackmail Samantha in to liking him!

Yes, that’s right, he threatens to reveal the texts that she sent to him before the show and says she has two choices—either ride off in to the sunset with him or get exposed.

Actually his exact words were….

“She has two options: Either we can go on with it and she can be lovey-dovey on me and we can get engaged and make a nice happy love story, or she can crash and burn.”

….yep……he did—he tried to blackmail her—seriously has this tactic ever worked?!

Joe starts acting like he is in a court of law and revels in his expansive evidence file, but he forgets the part where love is about free will and not a hostage situation or business agreement!

In his ITM he explains, “She said, ‘Do whatever it takes to get a rose because I want to meet you.’ And now that I did that, she wants no part of it. She’s not taking any credit for any of the drama and now it’s all been pinned on me. Samantha needs to own up to everything and set the record straight.”

Needless-to-say the blackmail strategy is not a huge hit with Sam, but Joe is not ready to give up and decides to take some dating advice from Ashley I (of all people) and pretend like he is meeting Sam for the first time (as opposed to 5 days ago) and never blackmailed her. The gesture backfires and creeps Sam out even more. Joe is outraged that Sam is making him look like “a fool”.

And the entire bizarre Joe Bailey situation seems to come full circle. It would have been sad if Joe had not been such a D-bag this entire season. So his disintegration is disturbingly satisfying to watch.

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Photo Source: ABC

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