
Are Mikey Tenerelli and Juelia Kinney still together?

Are Mikey Tenerelli and Juelia Kinney still together?

Last night widow and single mom Juelia Kinney shocked everyone by going to host Chris Harrison and asking him if she could have a second chance with fitness trainer and alpha-male Mikey Tenerelli since Mikey expressed an interest in her, but she was hung up on Joe Bailey at the time who was lying and manipulating her to get to Samantha Steffen and Chris Harrison handled the situation! He made some calls and Mikey returned from Chicago that night for the rose ceremony as Juelia was walking off.

Who knew that Juelia actually liked Mikey!!! So are Mikey Tenerelli and Juelia Kinney still together?


Unfortunately it looks like thing fizzled quick because Juelia leaves before the cocktail and Mikey gives his rose to another single mom—Mackenzie Deonigi from Chris Soules’ season, but she says no, so Mikey ends up leaving! Poor Mikey! How many times does he have to get on a plane and turn around! Maybe he and Clare Crawley can retire together from Bachelor in Paradise.

At any rate tonight the two fly on a private plane to Guadalajara to watch a pro-wrestling match. And then receive the opportunity to have some “off-camera time”—-a coveted overnight option!–that’s right…on their first date!

And surprisingly Juelia was down….in fact I loved her comment about how he did fly all the way back from Chicago so….

That’s right Juelia I think Mikey earned the overnight so you gotta do what you gotta do. Of course she insisted there would be no sex (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Juelia claims, “Mikey is a better guy than Joe. Mikey is a man and Joe is a boy. Today could be the start of something great.”

Well I don’t think it’s difficult to “be a better man than Joe”, but he certainly is!!

More Bachelor in Paradise situations

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Photo Source: ABC

1 thought on “Are Mikey Tenerelli and Juelia Kinney still together?”

  1. I would like to see Julia be he next Bachelorettes ! She really deserves it she’s gone thru alot of rough years , ( much more than any woman at her ages he’s had it real rough). the least ABC could do After the Joe incident ( which she felt degraded, sad , so hurt at how Joe handled & manipulated her feelings so that he would get a rose & as soon as Samantha walked into BIP , he dropped Juelia & even ignored her existence…with being said I believe that Juelia would make a awesome Bachelorette & she will have a greater chance to find LOVE…


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