
5 Biggest situations from Ben Higgins Women Tell All

Last night the Women Tell All aired on ABC and there was no shortage of air that needed to be “cleared”.

In fact, rather than having just one main villain this season of The Bachelor, the show had one main villain and several mini-villians/trouble-makers to address …. starting with a chicken named Sheila.

1: There was a chicken named Sheila

Amazing lady Sheila could not contain her excitement or her composure last night and caused a bit of on stage drama.

The gratuitous chicken was a bit much in my opinion and I was worried about Sheila’s discomfort and had a hard time focusing on the other amazing ladies.

2: Leah Block’s strange apology

Leah Block admits that she lied about Lauren Bushnell, but claims she did not “intentionally lie”. Leah excuses her bizarre behavior by claiming she was devastated when she didn’t get the 1 on 1.

“It was brought up that Lauren B made a comment that the girls were losers for being upset. So when I went to Ben and we talked I wanted him to know how I was feeling. I did not feel that my conversation should be publicly discussed.”

Well don’t feel bad about the women hating you or Ben dumping you Leah, because ex Bachelor Chris Soules has been sweating you all season. So see if you can get an invite to Ben Higgins onscreen wedding in a few months and you can hang out with Chris in his hotel room.

ABC does not have camera crews set up outside for any impromptu hookups as we learned from Ashley I recently — after Soules had some “off camera time” with her sister Lauren at Jade and Tanner’s wedding.

3: The dude who got a tattoo of Lace Morris’ face on his torso

A strange and enthusiastic fan rips off his shirt to reveal the impressive gesture of love, but unfortunately rather than being romantic it came off as incredibly creepy. In fact Lace even told him to keep his distance.

I mean if you are going to rip your shirt off on national television you better have the body to do it and this guy just wasn’t cutting it. In fact aside from having the dad bod, his chest was shaved as opposed to waxed and he had that icky 3 day chest hair stubble making the situation even creepier than it already was.

I honestly thought we were going to see our first ever Women Tell All impromptu TRO (temporary restraining order).

4: The Olivia mouth montage was hard to watch

Obviously Olivia on Women Tell All needs her own post, but producers could not help themselves and had to make an Olivia mouth montage to play back while Olivia was on the hot seat.

Poor Olivia. Despite her overtly aggressive and offensive behavior with the other women, even I felt bad for her.

5: Caila Quinn is shockingly shocked that things did not work out with Ben!

She comes on the show to grill Ben about what went wrong!

I have a hard time seeing the big “connection” these two ever had — especially after all of the cryptic aka “I’m just not that in to you Ben” messages she was giving him.

It just seems like Caila is milking the “role” of heartbroken 2nd runner-up so she can get the “role” of Bachelorette. Let’s just say I think this girl knows how to work a crowd and knows how to get what she wants.

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