
Faith Stowers suing Stassi Schroeder over accusations of theft

Faith Stowers is not getting the best edit on season 6 of Vanderpump Rules even though she’s had about a minute and a half of air time. And things keep getting worse for the 28-year-old Actress/Model/former Veteran off-camera.

Co-star Stassi Schroeder has been talking some smack about Faith on a recent podcast, The Bitch Bible and Faith is launching a lawsuit as a result.

Faith told The Tomorrow Show,

“I can’t talk about one of them because I’m currently about to have a lawsuit with one of them. I absolutely am. Ya I have a lawyer. Not on the show; it was, it was interviews that Ms. Schroeder has been doing and she’s been saying some evil, disgusting, untrue things about me that’s just, like, outlandish, like I stole Jax Taylor’s car.

Are you kidding me? They, that they called the police on me. If you listen to it yourself, you would maybe shake your head or giggle a little bit cause it, it sounds like, just sounds outlandish. I think she said that at the night of Scheana’s birthday party when it came out that I slept with Jax or whatever, that I stole Jax’s car that night.

Jax Taylor’s car magically went missing and I had to be the person that stole it. She think that I’m a thief.”

But it appears that there are some even more serious allegations that Faith is robbing men.

“On The Daily Mail, she said she saw that there was a woman, and the woman was a black woman who looks nothing like me. I don’t know if Stassi’s been around a lot of black women in her life; I’m guessing probably not. But this lady that she said looks like me on The Daily Mail is at large and has been stealing $300,000 worth of Rolexes and drugging people in the clubs and I mean, just disgusting type stuff, and she thinks it’s me, so she calls the police to let them know that they know that I’m at this club in LA and that they should come. And the police are like, ‘no, we’re not coming. It’s not her.’”

“I don’t want to put the ‘r’ word out there and say that’s she’s racist because that can really stick with somebody. Even though she’s a hateful, hateful bitch, I’m not gonna put more on her cause it, it’s just not fair and it’s just not who I am. I don’t think she’s saying it because I’m black, but I will say the girl that, that was on Daily Mail was a black girl, but she looks nothing like me…a black girl in a wig with some tattoos, which I was really shocked by, and I don’t want to say too much about it. I, it was, it was disgusting, it was tasteless. Especially for her.”

Well if Faith is innocent I would not blame her for suing. But I’m also wondering what made Stassi and pal Kristen Doute feel confidant enough to make such an explosive allegation. Surely they are aware of what they can and can’t say about people without inviting a defamation suit. In other words, do they have some insider intel?

Faith is using the legal muscle to encourage Stassi to take back some of the allegations.

“I’ve moved on…I just want her to retract the statements. I don’t want to say too much because I really want the lawyers to do their jobs because they’re, they’re great, great, really really really good. Really good. They actually represent Lisa [Vanderpump]. So they’re really good. So I’m gonna let them do what they have to do, and um, you know, let them go from there. They represented her for, I don’t even know if I’m allowed to even say that actually.”

Earlier rumors were swirling that Faith slept with Jax Taylor because she really wanted a “contract” on the show aka a cast salary. But Faith claims she is not interested in money.

“I don’t care for any money from Stassi. What I do want, and I demand is respect. ….I mean, even with MTV, they had to do a background check on me because of the things she said. You have a reach ma’am, …..And if you’re gonna say something crazy, at least have a reason to. Because you, she doesn’t have a reason not to like me. I’ve never done anything to this woman, ever. Maybe she still likes Jax, I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s really weird how all these things play out with people.”

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