
Who is Dorinda Medley’s deceased husband Richard Medley?

Who is Dorinda Medley’s deceased husband Richard Medley? And how did he die?

The Real Housewives of NYC run in some really impressive circles. Dorinda Medley joins season 7 as a friend of both LuAnn de Lesseps and Ramona Singer. Her biggest claim to fame is her association and marriage to Richard H. Medley.

Medley was a heavy hitter on Wall Street and founder of hedge-fund advisory firms, but he was also the former partner of billionaire George Soros.

He died at the age of 60 under some rather mysterious circumstances. He was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center as the result of a brief illness. He died on Nov. 16 as a result of this “brief illness”.

Obviously we do not have enough details to claim conspiracy but I would be interested in learning more about this case considering Medleys enormous position of power.

He founded New York-based Medley Global Advisors in 1995. The firm was sold in 2005 to private-equity firms Boston Ventures Management Inc. and Castanea Partners.

The infamous Lloyd C. Blankfein, CEO of the Goldman Sachs Group commented in Bloomberg news on his friends death:“I knew him for many years and valued our relationship,” ….. “I was surprised and saddened when I learned of his untimely passing.”

Adding to the mystery Dorinda has refused to disclose the cause of death.

Medley was not only a Wall Street power broker but he played a very important role in politics. He was also a partner, managing director and chief political adviser at Soros Fund Management LLC and was also chief economist for the U.S. House Banking Committee and chief of staff for the Senate Democratic.

He also wielded some serious power within the University system. He served on the boards of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, and Claremont Graduate University in California.

He married his real estate broker Dorinda Medley  , 50 in October of 2005 after she helped him find a town home in NYC.

So his death certainly raises some eyebrows considering these powerful connections. When you have this much influence over big money you are bound to make a few enemies.

Aside from his widow Dorinda and her daughter Hannah Lynch he was survived by his own children children Paige and Aidan Medley, and brother Robert Medley.

Real Housewives of NYC season 7


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