
Do Jessica Castro and Ryan De Nino stay together?

Tonight was decision time for Married at First Sight Season 2’s couples and one of those couples was 30-year-old Manhattan, N.Y. receptionist Jessica Castro and 29-year-old Staten Island business owner Ryan De Nino.

The couple was off to a great start but things quickly changed and things got very rocky. There were accusations of everything from cheating to stealing.

In the end Ryan decided that he wanted to stay married and Jessica decided that despite the roller coaster ride that she wanted to stay married as well. The matchmakers are excited but apprehensive about the relationship.

Jessica admits that they still have a lot to work on but is excited about their future. Ryan says: “This experiment was just the first chapter of our journey and ultimately we get to write the book.”

The episode ends with Ryan buying a fish for the couple and the two enjoying their wedding cake.

Jessica says:

“I can finally say that we are staying together…this is the 2nd happiest day of my life and I am so looking forward to our future.”

Stay tuned for the Reunion special airing on June 16 and 23 at 9 p.m. on A&E.

More Married at First Sight

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Photo Source: A&E



UPDATE 6/16/2015: not so fast Jessica Castro just filed restraining order against Ryan De Nino


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