
Noella Bergener posts threatening message to husband James Bergener after James’ bizarre video rant

Today December 25th, 2021, as everyone is busy celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus some incredible drama is happening with one new couple on the Real Housewives of Orange County . And I am HERE FOR IT!

We already know Noella spilled the beans about her divorce on the show, but on Christmas Eve, estranged husband, James Bergener aka “Sweet” James just posted three videos to his Instagram, accusing Noella of “changing” after she learned she may be cast on RHOC. 

Her “sole focus” became the show James said. And the two “rarely spoke.” He also claimed the reason he left was because Noella retained an attorney who then informed his attorney that she was filing for separation. 

“Noella chose the show over me and the family,” he said. “I love Noella, but I do not know who she is anymore.”

In a rather bizarre statement, James acts like he was victimized by Noella saying he grew up as a conservative Puritan and his relationship with Noella was “unhealthy”, alleging it was filled with “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.”

Let’s stop here for a second. Why in the world would a successful attorney even intimate that he was involved in some way in drugs? This sounds like a pre-emptive strike because he knows that Noella is about to release evidence of some unsavory behavior of his.

“I lost almost everything, including myself,” ….. “I lost sight of who I was and who I am.”

After these bizarre videos came out, Noella shot back:

“Today my ex called me for the first time in 5 months. He asked for my help with his PR. I said of course. I told him to stop holding up support, get his son a gift for Xmas & that I was going to use my settlement to buy a home for our family and I’d publicly thank him. Hours later he posted this. I don’t know why this is happening  I was very protective of him during filming and focused solely on my journey. Aforementioned receipts. Know they are real, criminal & horrifying to relive so for the sake of our son don’t ever want them to see the light of day. Happy Holidays to single moms.”

This Noella seems much more aggressive than the Noella we have seen on the show.

She continued her response to the numerous “lies” James allegedly told in his videos.

“That I chose the show over our marriage, James wanted me on the show to promote his brand. He was my biggest cheerleader throughout the process. Only after his background check revealed he had lied to me for years about his tax debts did he hesitate. At this point, 4 days before filming, it was too late to pull out and frankly the show was the only thing keeping him honest.”

“I retained an attorney with his blessing. He paid the retainer! What James was telling me about his partner’s indictment, financial divorce from his ex & his tax debts didn’t make sense to me. I wanted a 3rd party to confirm he was being truthful. He wasn’t but I still did not file.”

Noella goes on to say:

“James cut my cc’s when he left and emptied my savings,” ….. “He cut my Venmo & PayPal which I use to pay our son’s therapists. I have to send him invoices which he often pays late resulting in our son not getting treatment that week. I have a cc number on Instacart & Amazon. That is how my family has made it these past months. He has not paid rent and we’re in fear of eviction every day.”

“James filed for divorce in Puerto Rico abusing their courts to serve his shady tax scheme. It is under appeal since Puerto Rico does not have jurisdiction given we are California residents and were married here.”

“James has been in & out of OC multiple times in the past 5 months shooting a commercial, getting Botox & going out but hasn’t seen his son once,” she claimed. “Seriously.”

James’ filing in Puerto Rico is even more bizarre considering he is not Puerto Rican or even Spanish for that matter. He is a white boy from Utah. And Noella is not Puerto Rican or Spanish either. Her mother is Caucasian and her father is African-American.

It sounds like James may have moved all of his assets to Puerto Rico and bought a house there to establish residency so his assets won’t be seized by the IRS. This situation is still unfolding and getting more intriguing every day!

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