
Sean Varricchio ‘Married at First Sight’ 2015: Bio, Photos, Twitter

Sean Varricchio ‘Married at First Sight’ 2015: Bio Name: Sean Varricchio Age: 35 Hometown: Jackson, New Jersey Occupation: Trauma nurse, Capital Health System New Jersey Birthdate: 12/08/1979 Height: 5’10” Weight: 175 lbs Hair Color: brown Eye Color: blue Arrest record: DUI in 2013 in Sarasota Florida Twitter: SVnjMAFS Sean was bullied growing up — because of his geeky looks. … Read more

Sean Varricchio ‘Married at First Sight’ arrest record and mugshot

So ‘Married at First Sight’ season 2 just premiered and we already have our first scandal. I discovered that handsome 35-year-old trauma nurse, Sean Varricchio from New Jersey actually has an arrest record! I saw that someone with his name had a DUI in Sarasota County, Florida and naturally I said..ok well no way that’s him since … Read more