Tonight, Courtney not only continued to channel Mr. Charlie Sheen with all of her “winning” comments, she also threw in a Brad Womack throw-back when she said: “Don’t poke the bear.” She is displaying some serious alpha male characteristics (when needed) and then tossing in a few alpha female manipulative tactics when that’s more beneficial. It’s ultimately fascinating. So fascinating that Courtney Robertson is really the only item that’s up for discussion!
Ultimately, I don’t see any of the amazing ladies of season 16 matching Ben. Courtney, Kacie, Lindzi and Jennifer may come close, but Courtney is too far off in Crazyville and the rest are, unfortunately, a bit “too normal and nice” for Ben.
Ashley Hebert had some spunk that the Kacie’s and the Lindzi’s don’t have. And Courtney is more on the spunky side, but just way too insecure and sociopathic for a long-term relationship to survive.
So after an extremely uncomfortable one-on-one with Rachel, Ben surprised the ladies with an awe-inspiring fly-fishing group date. What lady doesn’t want to be wearing waterproof high-water pants for the man she is trying to attract?
It was a slightly peculiar environment to produce a sizzling romantic situation to say the least. And the girls looked less than thrilled to be chosen for this date. But the situation that was most intriguing was Courtney man-handling an innocent trout to win Ben.
This episode revealed a very masculine side of Courtney demonstrating that she would stop at nothing to catch her fish and her man. And, I mean…really, Courtney? You’re not going to toss your smaller-than-what-I’d-think-is-legal fishy back into the water to continue to thrive?? What. Are you going to scale and gut it to eat? No?
Paradoxically, Courtney busted out with the alpha female role in her one-on-one sit down with Ben in order to manipulate Ben into giving her a pre rose ceremony rose. This girl is good! She knew she had the upper hand. She manipulated him.
She freaked him out by saying that everything she felt before might be ALL GONE now…the classic alpha female implicit ultimatum….”give me a rose now or else.” Basically, she did what she needed to do to get the rose so she could continue to make love to it in front of the other girls for the rest of the week.
Then, after Emily attempted to discuss Courtney with Ben… Well, Courtney quickly switched gears again and channeled Charlie Sheen and Brad Womack in a back-to-back throw-down with Emily when she proclaimed: “Winning! Winning! Don’t poke the bear.”
So, basically the show at this point is all about Courtney and when Ben will realize Courtney has a serious personality disorder. She is totally fascinating to watch on TV, which is why we give kudos, yet again, to the Bachelor executives and producers. I mean………Wow!
We thought Vienna was rough to watch with Jake, but Courtney is taking the tough-to-swallow cake. And – Ben told Rachel he’s trying to trust his gut more now instead of listening to his buddies, which is bad news for him listening to anyone about how much of a life-suck Courtney is going to be. Wow.
I need to take off my pearl necklace and be a bit nicer to Courtney with all my Judgey Judgerton stuff going on over here, but it’s so hard! She is just so unlikable! Even considering the evil editing tactics of the show…..she’s just not nice!
What do you all think???

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