
Is Jillian Harris still hot for Ed Swiderski?

Ed Swiderski and Jillian Harris had tons of chemistry on The Bachelorette season 5. The two were engaged and on the road to “happily ever after,” but like most ABC couples, the relationship ended soon after after reports of infidelity on Ed’s part flooded the tabloids — reports that Ed conceded were not entirely inaccurate … Read more

Suspicion: Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson break up

Ok – I swear I’m not trying to trick users into a click a la the highly annoying Bachelor Wetpaint website. I really, truly think former Bachelor Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson are DONE, OVER, KAPUT. Why do I think this? Well, first of all, I never thought their relationship would last. Our opinion here … Read more

Ben Flajnik and Courtney Robertson: “Back from Puerto Vallarta!”

UPDATE: We have received an amazing citizen update from an eyewitness in Puerto Vallarta who spotted the couple. Our reader “Amiga,” who was on vacation in the town, claims they were there since last Wednesday!!! From her comment below: “The tweets they sent the past few days were all to get people of track. Like … Read more

Did Bachelor Ben Flajnik break up with Courtney Robertson?


Bachelor Nation sits in anticipation of not this week’s Bachelor Season 16 finale, but of this week’s After the Final Rose special. No season of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette has ever been this spoiled prior to the finale airing. We hate spoilers and try to not read spoilers, but they were EVERYWHERE this season: … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 9: Your faves weigh in

This was the first episode of the season I wasn’t able to watch live, over at C Lo’s house, because I am currently on vacation in Orlando, FL (hoping to stop by Vienna Giardi’s new boutique while I’m here, btw!). What was so great, though, is that I was able to figure out what I … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Courtney Robertson and room 1611

On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, testy model Courtney Robertson invited Ben to “repay the favor” (for her suprise skinny-dip visit last week) by visiting her in “room 1611” later on that night. Since when do the amazing ladies have their own rooms this early on in the season? They are usually co-habitating with … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 4: Your faves weigh in

Our big thematic take-away from this week’s episode of The Bachelor was: “Don’t poke the bear,” a quote from this season’s villain, Courtney Robertson. What we learned is if you poke Courtney, she will not only poke back, she’ll also want to “rip your head off” and/or “verbally assault you” (not to be confused with … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 4: “Don’t poke the bear”

Tonight, Courtney not only continued to channel Mr. Charlie Sheen with all of her “winning” comments, she also threw in a Brad Womack throw-back when she said: “Don’t poke the bear.” She is displaying some serious alpha male characteristics (when needed) and then tossing in a few alpha female manipulative tactics when that’s more beneficial. … Read more

Model Courtney Robertson’s love letter to Bachelor Ben Flajnik

The Bachelor folks just posted this clip of Courtney and Ben together on one of their fan sites. It’s a pre-episode-2-rose-ceremony clip that didn’t make the editing cut. How can I tell that’s when it was shot? Well, because Courtney was wearing the same DOILY-fashioned dress in the rose ceremony, so this must have been … Read more

Courtney Robertson’s ‘Bachelor’ episode 2 one-on-one date: What is she hiding?

Last night Courtney was in rare form portraying the quintessential, classic, egotistical, b!tchy LA model that Bachelor viewers love so much. “I would like a one-on-one date. It would be like a shot in the arm that I could use right now,” she tells the interviewer, even quoting Charlie Sheen’s famous line “winning.” Fan favorite and … Read more