Oh Em Gee! Extra! Extra! We just read in the National Enquirer that The Bachelor Season 16 runner-up Lindzi Cox ended up dating her ex-boyfriend of “Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: You” text fame after show finished taping. I mean……now THAT is a TWIST we were not expecting!!
The Enquirer reports, “According to Lenze, a 33-year-old financial planner from Seattle, WA who dated Cox for nearly a year, the pair reunited after they ran into each other at a college football game in Seattle in November.” [Uh, wow. Only two weeks after the filming of the Bachelor finale on November 16, 2011? Wow! No wonder she didn’t seem too upset that Ben didn’t pick her. She couldn’t have been that into him.]
“However the reconciliation was allegedly short-lived and Lenze dumped Cox, a 27-year-old business development manager from Seattle, a second time after they slept together.”
“She told me that she had been on an ‘adventure’ and it made her realize how much she missed me.”
“After the game, we went back to my house and had sex. But a few days later, I realized I made a mistake. I told her that we make better friends than lovers.”
Lenze told the Enquirer he only learned Cox had actually been away competing on The Bachelor after their brief reconciliation.
“I assumed that, since she had sex with me, Ben didn’t end up picking her, which I believe is a good thing,” he said. “After watching the show and reading the Internet blogs, I think Ben is a dork.”
WHAT?!?! I mean, we will need to corroborate this story because this is a HUGE scoop.

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