**UPDATE 8/30 – Our source, reader Stephie C, has updated us with new last-name info for Stagliano’s current girlfriend. Her middle name might be Cahill? Not sure where the Cahill comes in, but her last name is Tuchscherer. Supporting this claim there is an “Emily Tuchscherer (Emily Cahill)” on Pinterest. Here are our updates from Stephie C on Twitter:
StephieC78 9:52am via Web
@tisasituation Correction: Her real name is Emily Tuchscherer.
StephieC78 7:26pm via Web
@tisasituation 1000% sure. Poor sap has more than admitted to it himself. I have proof he’s lying. Someone close to her contacted me.
We also found her LinkedIn profile, which shows the same photo as the Twitter account for @emilytuch.
There is some seriously hardcore journalistic verification of our sources going on here (not), but please know that we are at least 70% sure that her name is either Emily Cahill or Emily Tuchscherer.
Oh, and I just had nachos for dinner!
Original post (updated with the new last name in parts):
Move over Rachel Truehart. It’s time for Michael Stagliano and Emily Tuchscherer.
We love it when people “weigh in” with insider info. One of our readers, Stephie C, just left this amazing comment on our site with details about Michael Stagliano’s rumored Chicago-based girlfriend, which, after Reality Steve mentioned her in one of his recent blogs, has been known on the Interwebs as simply “Emily from Chicago” for the past two days.
But we now know her full name! It’s Emily Tuchscherer. And Emily must be beside herself now that the Bachelor Pad is airing and we all got to see Michael leading Rachel Truehart to believe he was totally single and available while shooting (which, he may have been “technically,” but seemingly not in his heart).
The comment speaks for itself indicating Michael and Emily hooked up right before the Pad began.
(Note: This comment is really harsh toward Michael. And we love Michael. But, it all does seem to be a bit of a situation! No matter how you slice it. We are re-posting this for the name reveal, not because we agree with the sentiments! Also, we’re not quite sure what Stephie C’s connection is with either party, but you can find her on Twitter at @StephieC78.)
“His girlfriend is Emily Cahill who goes by @emilytuch on Twitter.
They got together right before Bach Pad started filming and got back as soon as Michael went home. I think he’s awful! How could his girlfriend, named Emily Cahill, @emilytuch on Twitter, watch him kiss and get intimate with Rachel on tv and take him back once he got sent home?
They were seeing each other right before Bach Pad started filming and only broke up so he could go on the show and promote his music. He then leads Rachel on and writes on his blog that he “made out” with three women?
Then the show ends and he goes right back to the same girl he was with before it started. How can any girl who goes along with that be “smart and together” like Stag’s cronies are trying to spread online? PLEASE! That is incredibly dumb. The girl is beyond plain looking and looks like she’s 15 years old.
I think Rachel and Holly are way better looking! The girl obviously has no self respect or would not get back together after watching him kissing different women and leading poor Rachel on.
As a woman, I cant help but be offended and think EVERYONE IS SEEING MICHAEL’S TRUE COLORS AND THEY ARE NOT PRETTY!
Shame on you Stagliano! I’m happy for Rachel cause I think she did win in the end. Getting to see how awful this guy was is the best thing that ever happened to her. She can do much better!”
***BIG THANKS to Stephie C because we were able to post this news before some of the other big Bachelor News sites, like Reality Steve, Wetpaint and those Examiner bloggers. Exciting!***
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Whatever. If Emily IS his girlfriend that’s his business. Amd I think she is beautiful. This StephieC or whoever she is is clearly a jealous, mean spirited gossip. Even if Michael was seeing Emily before the show that doesnt mean they were super serious and ready to marry. He had every right to date other women if they both decided it be so. And he never made any promises to Rachel either. StephieC stop being such a bitch.
If I didn’t know better, I’d think I wrote the above post. Especially with the name being so close to mine. Reading it over, it makes me wonder if I DID write it, lol.
Regardless, I completely agree. Some people are waaaay too involved in the love lives of others. Hey StephieC, Michael’s calling — he wants his business back.
The name she grew up with is Emily Tuchscherer. That is why her Twitter is @EmilyTuch Will keep you posted. All the best and love your blog!
Thanks Stephie C!!! So glad you like us…we love it so much…the ridiculousness/amazing-ness of the bachelor franchise is endless!
Please keep coming back to weigh in! we love weigh ins!!!