
Kacie B. disses Sean Lowe on dumping her, Chris Harrison disses Kacie B. on being a situation

Monday’s episode of the Bachelor was filled with one uncomfortable situation after the next. One of those situations was Kacie B. and her unsolicited pre-rose-ceremony confession. Kacie decided to pull Sean aside just to dish on some girl drama in the house. Sean was beside himself even referring to Kacie B. as “crazy”.

Kacie told Wetpaint:

Sean Lowe’s look of horror as Kacie B. discloses girl drama

“I was ready to leave,” Kacie told Wetpaint, adding, “I knew it wasn’t working. I was going to walk up and tell him, but I wanted to make sure it was a mutual decision. Things ended up working out for the best.”

Then to pour salt in Kacie’s wounds Bachelor host Chris Harrison made a stinging comment in his blog with TV Guide claiming he thought Sean was looking for an excuse to ditch Kacie. (And frankly, so did we.)

Chris says this….

“I don’t think he was that intrigued when she stepped out of the limo,” …“He wasn’t looking for a reason to keep her, he was looking for a reason to let her go, and as soon as she jumped in the middle of the drama it was like, ‘OK, perfect, there’s my excuse.’”

Oh slam!!! by Chris B. Harrison! Chris rarely dishes any disses so this is for sure a situation!



2 thoughts on “Kacie B. disses Sean Lowe on dumping her, Chris Harrison disses Kacie B. on being a situation”

  1. I think maybe Chris Harrison’s 8-year-old daughter like Kacie B and Sean Lowe. So he invited her on the show, persuaded her, offering her $$$. There is not a slight adoration or excitement from Kacie B. She can’t outright tell him she doesn’t like him; she has to get herself fired, walk away with $$$. Many times suitors aren’t into the title but they can’t say it. I mean ever since before season 13. It was all a big blind date. You don’t even know who the title is. Then some women talked to the title about her biological clock, how her friends are all married. Sometimes they said right out “I don’t know if I want a rose anymore.” and it’s like Week 3, she kept flirting with him, he got shy. She’s turned off, no doubt.
    Nice girls aren’t into nice guys. Nice girls aren’t even really nice. Look at Kacie B. She was substance abused in her high school years. She’s the one with 4 tattoos just below her hips and lower abdomen. While, except Blakeley and Shawntel, others got only one or none. Not scared of height. And she flew to see Ben, melted down again. Yes she’s nice but not exactly the secure woman.


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