
Jax Taylor personality breakdown: The enneagram 3

I wouldn’t want to date Jax Taylor, but I have to say, he has been fascinating to watch. Jax has game. He is dangerously good-looking. He has charisma and charm for days. He is as manly as a man can be. Guys love to hang out with Jax and ladies LOVE Jax despite his bad-boy reputation–or maybe because of it.

In short, he is trouble. He is a bit of a narcissist, a bit of a compulsive liar, sex addict and a bit of a sociopath, but somehow we love him anyway.

Well his enneagram number will help explain his appeal. He is a 3, The Charmer, The Performer–when healthy, The Achiever–when unhealthy, The Opportunist.

L.A. is packed full of 3s. When they are average they are status seekers. They are all about their image, always trying to promote their image in a positive way. They can be shallow. They can also be manipulative and dishonest in their efforts to maintain the image they have constructed.

If they are healthy they have done the work to achieve the image they project. They can be doctors, business owners, lawyers, actors, singers, dancers (lots of performers are 3s), etc.

They are usually really good-looking. They are charming, very charming. They can explain their way out of any situation–like a 4-day trip to jail for example.

The 3 possesses an uncanny social intelligence, self-confidence, positive attitude and charisma, but they can also seek to be the center of attention at the expense of others–a-hem.

We know his real name is allegedly Jason Cauchi.” not Jax Taylor and has admitted to having over a hundred sexual partners.

We know he dated Bachelor siren Courtney Robertson. Jax has also had sex with Shahs of Sunset star Golnesa “GG” Jax confessed to cheating on Stassi in Vegas. We also know now that Jax slept with Kristen Doute…TWICE!!<

We know he has a serious problem with lying. His own friends don’t know when they can believe him. (I love that no one believed him when he allegedly went to jail).

jax carmen

We know he met his match with Stassi Schroeder and we know he falls for his own tricks. Stassi could manipulate Jax into doing or saying anything (Damn you Patrick Meagher!!!)

Stassi is the one who got Jax to confess to the fling with Kristen Doute–while swimming topless I might add.

Threes also are a bit pre-occupied with their genitals. Freud referred to this type as “admire my genitals”. Jax clearly likes having his genitals admired and apparently they are worthy of admiration according to Shahs of Sunset star Golnesa “GG”.

That said, how did Jax become such an epic situation?

To start it’s important to understand that the 3’s deepest fear is of being worthless.

So I had a hunch about Jax that he was probably raised in a pretty blue collar family and he feels a certain amount of shame in his modest upbringing, thus the need to change his name and sort of create a narrative about his life. He seems like he is sort of hiding his real story. And my hunch is that this is rooted in a deep fear of being worthless.

The 3 is deathly afraid that they have not achieved anything real and thus they always try and create a story to present themself in a certain light. Sometimes they will claim to have accomplishments that they have not achieved (this is if they are unhealthy-keep in mind–not saying Jax is doing this-just saying this is a tendency of a 3). They can embellish accomplishments, etc. (If they are healthy they don’t need to ‘project’ an image, their work speaks for itself.)


Source: Bravo
Source: Bravo


Their biggest desire is to feel valuable. The Enneagram Institute claims:  “at a young age, they got the message that they were not allowed to have feelings and be themselves: they must, in effect, be someone else to be accepted.

To some degree, all of the personality types have been sent the same message, but because of their particular background and makeup, Threes not only heard it, they began to live by it. The attention they received by performing in a certain way was their oxygen, and they needed it to breathe. ‘

‘Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others.’

So can Jax Taylor be redeemed?

Of course he can. But he has to learn to stop being so insecure and to just let people see him for who he is. He has to put down this façade. He is more than his good looks and his chunky sweaters.

Once he deals with these deep-seated fears and learns that he has value independent of what others may think of him, he will gain the respect and love he is looking for.

He has to learn be a “team player,” and step outside the spotlight and actually do the work to achieve the image he is projecting. The healthy 3 is self-assured, diplomatic, poised, and self-accepting. They are authentic and able to inspire others. He has a ways to go, but if he puts his ego and his supplements away he can turn things around and become a role model to others and achieve the success both internally and externally that he craves.

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