
Allegations of steroid abuse and cheating leveled against Grant Kemp

Wow! Who knew we could have so many cheating and steroid allegations on one season of The Bachelorette. First the guys were accusing Chad Johnson of juicing, now an ex girlfriend is accusing Grant Kemp of selling steroids!….among other things.

Last Monday night Grant told a story about losing his virginity as a teenager.

And apparently ever since then, the 28-year-old firefighter has been a serious player.

In fact Grant joined the show without telling his then girlfriend Jen Green.

Another girl that dated and lived with him told Reality Steve,

“He is SCUM! Long before his most recent ex and his previous engagement he was an unemployed EMT student selling steroids in the Bay Area. I met him at a bar and our relationship began. We met in March/April of 2009 right after he turned 21. We started dating then and on Halloween 2009 he moved to SoCal with me and we got an apartment together. Cheated on me left and right and left me for someone he ended up getting engaged to.”

Grant does mention on the show that he was engaged.

“He definitely left me for the girl he got engaged to……He would fight with my mom in yelling matches, not come home at night, I’d find messages from girls saying “did we have sex that night?” Worst two years of my life! And he was hiding so much. I’d find vials of steroids and needles in the cabinets he thought I couldn’t reach, he’d not come home at night, for being kicked out of the OC fire academy and lied for weeks like he was going. On Halloween we went to my friends house for a party and he hooked up with my freaking classmate in the bathroom and when I got back to school the next week everyone knew but me! Another time, I even caught him flirting with a woman at a bar across the street from where we lived. I walked in to see him getting her phone number.”

The source goes on to claim they stopped living together but continued seeing one another in November 2010.

“He even got me a diamond ring, I think as a ploy to distract me from all the crap he was doing. Then up and dumped me by Christmas, blocked me from everything, and told me he was happily dating someone he loved. …..Bet she didn’t know he had a girlfriend he lived with at the time. ….He is a charmer and a pretty convincing pathological liar.”

UPDATE 7/27/2016: Tonight on menTell All in one of the most bizarre twists in reality history, Chad Johnson claimed that he was now dating Grant Kemp’s ex Jen Green. I’m finding this allegation so hard to believe for so many reasons and one of those reasons is Chad’s apparent penchant for steroid use considering this was such a beef between Jen and Grant during their relationship.

Grant is rumored to star on Bachelor in Paradise so it will be interesting to see if he mentions any of this then……

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