
Jasmine Lorimer takes her final 2 to Fantasy Suites

Twenty-seven-year-old Kenora, Ontario Hairdresser/model Jasmine Lorimer is a pioneer in the field of on-screen dating, spearheading the first ever Bachelorette journey in the Canuck country. And tonight she really led the way traversing brand new uncharted terrain taking her two finalists Mikhel Sickand and Kevin Wendt to the first ever Canadian Bachelorette Fantasy Suite on the first part of the two-part season finale.

It’s always awkward when you have to take two would-be-life-partners into a Fantasy Suite overnight days before a potential proposal from both, but even more awkward when you are on national television.

I am still genuinely unsure of her favorite. A few weeks ago I would have said it was Kevin W., but last week Mikhel seemed to gain some ground over front-runner Kevin.

And this week Kevin continued on a downward trajectory.

Jasmine took her remaining suitors to Cuba for the very important Fantasy Suites and for a surprise ambush by her mom, sister and friend.

“If I could combine them into one person, just mush them together, they’d be like a super-husband,” Jasmine laments.

“I’m completely confident that one of these guys is the person that I want to be with for the rest of my life. However, at this point I have no clue who it’s going to be. I’m terrified to lose one of them.”

I love that the decision to choose a life-partner always comes down to the wire on The Bachelorette.

“I don’t know which one yet, but within a few days I will be certain of which one I want to say goodbye to and which one I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Sensitive and emotionally honest Mikhel is concerned. He has poured his heart out to Jasmine during their Hometowns, and Jasmine is contractually obligated to keep her feelings close to the vest, so Mikhel can’t help but worry about her connection with Kevin.jasmine

As a side note: it’s no secret I love the Enneagram as a tool for understand people’s behavior–and what we have here for the first time in Bachelor/Bachelorette history is a giant SIX-uation as in all 3 of these poor souls are Enneagram 6s which means all 3 must be riddled with anxiety and apprehension. All 3 want security and certainty in a relationship and all 3 are looking for some outside authority figure to give them the answer. So you can see where this train is headed.

Mikhel confides in Jasmine his fears.

Turns out his fear is that Jasmine is going to have some sexy time with Kevin in the Fantasy Suite—imagine that.

His vulnerability brings them closer and earns him an overnight in said Fantasy Suite. Mikhel tells cameras: “I’m in love with Jasmine, 100 per cent, hands down… I can definitely see myself spending the rest of my life with Jasmine.”jasmine3

Next it’s Kevin W.’s turn in the Fantasy Suite. The two visit a fortune teller who tells Jasmine she will make lots of money and have three kids, as well as a set of twins, but does not tell us the winner! Whats the point of the fortune teller if she is not going to tell us who wins!

“Fortune”-ately for Kevin the date wins him a round in the coveted Fantasy Suite.

Un”fortune”-ately for Kevin the Fantasy Suite, much like his Hometown, was a bust.

Jasmine tells cameras things did not go well in the FS.

“We had a discussion that made him feel insecure about us, and that turned into something that was emotional and kind of heated,” Jasmine explains. “And he left. He felt, I guess, like the night had kind of been ruined. He came back later and apologized and we put it to rest and moved on, and still had an amazing night.”

Ok, this is where things always get murky since we do not get to see what happens in the Fantasy Suite, but let me try to read the subtext.

Jas and K Wen enter the Fantasy Suite. Kevin starts taking his clothes off because this is what happens in the FS and Kevin is a 6…6’s do not pick up subtext. Jasmine says “slow down, let’s just talk and cuddle”. This prompts Kevin to think she has already slept with Mikhel and he flips out and leaves in a heated frenzy.

He is intercepted by Producers who tell him she didn’t sleep with Mikhel either and does have really strong feelings for K dog (producers are pros at saying just the right thing) And he better turn around and go back so he still has a chance to win this thing.

This is just my interpretation as an avid Bachelor/ette historian.

As if there was not enough stress and anxiety for this trio of Enneagram 6’s producers take things to the next level by bringing Jasmine’s family members to surprise them: Jasmine’s mom, Linda, her sister, Jade, and friend Lorelly.

Mikhel is less conversationally challenged than Kevin and woos the 3 ladies telling them he’s “definitely ready to get down on one knee” and would like their permission.

Then on to Kevin who is definitely circling the drain at this point.

Jasmine’s mom says, “Kevin seems to be what I think Jasmine tends to gravitate towards — good looking, charismatic, that type,” adding he “seems like a ladies’ man.”

Friend Lorelly raises similar concerns: “His charm is infectious, but I feel like he’s always in search of fun and excitement and that could also lead to heartbreak,”  adding: “He’s not a sure thing.”

“Not a sure thing”! Remember the Enneagram 6 NEEDS a sure thing so this does not bode well for Kevin.

Making things worse sister Jade says Kevin’s confidence is “off-putting.”

Linda announces the consensus opinion: “Kevin seems genuine, but Mikhel seems more caring.”

I am still unsure of who Jasmine will choose. It’s looking like Mikhel, but this could be some ninja editing magic making us think that Kevin is out.

The second part of the season finale, doesn’t air for two weeks on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd.

Next week the “Men Tell All” special, will air Tuesday, Nov. 15. at 9 p.m. ET/PT on W Network.

UPDATE 11/22/2016: Jasmine chose Kevin Wendt!! The two are officially engaged…much to the displeasure of many fans who wanted her to pick Mikhel. But they are still together as of right NOW!

BUT, I think there is more to this story because on After the Final Rose both Jasmine and runner-up Mikhel acknowledged that they are still in love and Jasmine laments about how hard things have been with new fiancee Kevin…

UPDATE 11/23/2016: Jasmine and Kevin cancel all media interviews the morning after the finale

2 thoughts on “Jasmine Lorimer takes her final 2 to Fantasy Suites”

  1. Thanks for our website and posts!! I have grown tired of our ER and ETTE shows in the U.S., but am happy to see a season 1 of Bachelorette Canada and hope the Bachelor Shows will continue and NOT be 2 years apart. (I also watch the Australian version. ) I agree with the Fantasy Suite mess. I think that Kevin expected to do “IT” with Jasmine and his temper is a problem. I looked at the preview of Finale part 2 on Facebook and the end of the Men Tell All. It shows the outdoors light getting a bit darker with Mikhel when he walking to her. I HOPE this means the he is second and she chooses him. Kevin W. posts daily Instagram photos and IS full of himself. He also has a Neanderthal quality to him, his temper, jealousy and his walk. I love Mikhel for Jasmine. Mike will be a great next Bachelor Canada and I hope it’s next year and NOT in 2018. What are your thoughts on the lighting as a clue??


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