Bachelor Hometown Dates are fast approaching which means we, and Bachelor Arie Luyendyk Jr. will get to meet the families of the 4 final amazing ladies. One of the final 4 is likely 27-year-old Publicist Becca Kufrin of Prior Lake, Minnesota and Arie and fans may be “pheasantly surprised”.
I discovered that Becca comes from a rather sweet and charming duck dynasty.
Her dad Steve (Buckshot), who died of cancer in September of 2009, was a huge animal / wildlife enthusiast and preservationist–ducks and geese to be exact. Steve loved geese and ducks! He was instrumental in starting Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever and Minnesota Waterfowl Association chapters in Minnesota and had volunteered as a Big Brother at Minnesota Waterfowl Association “Woodie Camp”. I bet Kendall Long would be into this hometown since I suspect Steve was a taxidermy wizard.
And I love the story that Becca’s mom tells of their wedding in an article in the startribune.

“Jill Kufrin recalled that she and her husband were married in a country church outside of Benson in 1983. “After we left the church, we drove a short way down a little dirt road. Then we stopped and all of his buddies stood up from the ditch, dressed in camouflage, and gave us a 21-gun salute,” she said, adding: “Then we got into a duck boat on a trailer, and we were pulled through Benson like that, with me in my wedding dress,” she said.
The Kufrins spent their wedding night in a friend’s duck camp. “Duck shack,” she corrected.’
How cute is that love story?! It really takes a special woman to a support a man’s passion for pheasantry.
So I have to say this little nugget of info makes me hope that we get to meet the Kufrin’s and see their charming home.
Sadly Steve died at his home in Prior Lake after a five-year battle with brain cancer at the age of 66 when Becca was 19 years old. And Becca misses him terribly.
And older sister Emily Kufrin looks just as sweet and adorable–she is a preschool teacher in Madison, Wisconsin. And is engaged to Robbie Kosmeder — they plan to get married on September 22, 2018.
Becca Kufrin & Garrett Yrigoyen get engaged!
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