
Ben Patton’s journey on ‘Ready for Love’ draws closer to an end Tarryn, Angela, and Allie get dirty

Ready for Love bachelor Ernesto Arguello scaled the wall of cubes last night to profess his love for amazing girl Shandi in one of the most amazing reality TV love endings ever! The finale was supposed to be next Tuesday, but Ernesto was not gonna wait one more second.

rfl2So the dramatic decision left only two guys remaining to make up their minds: Ben Patton and Tim Lopez .

Ben began his 9-week journey with a bevy of amazing ladies:

Lynsee Gonzales, 26-year-old, Portland, OR; Tarryn Franco, 26-year-old, San Francisco, CA; Seneca Berniard,  34-year-old, Los Angeles, CA; and Kari Krakowski, 27-year-old, Dallas, TX, Angela Zatopek, 24-year-old, Houston, TX; Katie Coyle,  34-year-old, Pella, IA; Renae Virata, 31-year-old, Houston, TX; and Kristina Zapata,  26-year-old, Los Angeles, CA, Rachel Briese, 26-year-old, Schaumberg, IL; Beth Richman, 30-year-old, Charlotte, NC; Jade Dhir, 24-year-old, Austin, TX; and Allie Wagner, 26-year-old, Cincinnati, OH.

Ready For Love - Season 1
Source: NBC
Ready For Love – Season 1

Ben culled the herd from 12 bachelorettes to 9 after sending Seneca, Kristina and Jade night one and the dramatic journey began!

So let’s fast forward passed all the drama with ex-girlfriend Kari to last week when we met the families of Ben’s girls; Tarryn, Angela, and Allie. He started off in Houston with Angela and her family. Mom and dad John, and Elizabeth in a slightly uncomfortable situation.

Source: NBC
Source: NBC

Ben gets some one-on-one time with John in his office and inquires in his IT if John is pointing a weapon at him under the desk. That’s about it for noteworthy interactions.


Ben is then briskly transported to meet Tarryn’s parents, Ken and Tangee, Tarryn’s mom and dad in an even less comfortable situation. Tarryn discusses with Ben what happened on stage last week. Mean-girl Tarryn doesn’t hesitate to throw Allie under the bus. Tarryn said that she was just hurt and felt attacked so she stuck up for herself. Ben asks her how she really feels about him (a good question when you are about to select a life-partner), she couldn’t really give him an answer (not a good sign when you are about to choose a life-partner).


Allie is next in the line-up. Ben and Allie have a one-on-one where Ben inquires about what happened on stage last week. Allie suggests Tarryn is rude to everyone and is putting on a front just to “win”.  Allie admits that she is in love with Ben.


The best matchmaker situation is Tarryn and Matt. Matt proclaims that she is too confrontational for Ben, and Tarryn bites BACK! telling Matt that he is FAR too young and inexperienced to know anything about love. Ouch!!!

Matt then pulls out the charm and takes “the high road” ignoring her insult and claiming that he is not there to make her feel bad about herself, he is there to find the right person for Ben. SLAM!tumblr_mnomxesMEg1rvlmb4o1_500

Ben brings Tarryn and Allie to the garden,  Tarryn is sent home in the most un-shocking elimination ever.

So now we have two girls left, Allie Wagner and Angela Zatopek. My money is on Angela all the way!

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