
Top 6 Juan Pablo Galavis quotes 2014

Fans are still reeling from the discomfort of Season 18 of The Bachelor with Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis and his lack of social skills. Here is a list of the top 6 Juan Pablo Galavis quotes 2014. Starting with Andi Dorfman and the infamous Fantasy Suite date: 1: Andi claims that Juan Pablo told her she … Read more

Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell still together and vacationing in the Dominican Republic

Good news for ABC–despite Juan Pablo Galavis rather bizarre and unemotional overture to new girlfriend Nikki Ferrell when he declared, ‘I like you a lot’ and offered her a single red rose in place of a $40,000 Neil Lane ring– the couple IS still together! AND is vacationing in the Dominican Republic. The Bachelor couple reportedly looked very … Read more

Are Juan Pablo Galavis and Nikki Ferrell still together?

In the end, the single dad 32-year-old Juan Pablo Galavis chose 26-year-old model and pediatric nurse Nikki Ferrell proclaiming, ‘I like you a lot.’ And Juan Pablo and his winner Nikki Ferrell must be thrilled that the show is over and they can take their relationship ‘off’-camera’ and on to Twitter where it belongs. It’s been … Read more

Is Juan Pablo Galavis a narcissist?

Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis showed us a side of him that we did not know existed this season. Although to be fair we only saw about 10 minutes of him during Desiree’s season. Juan Pablo prided himself on being ‘honest’ with the ladies. This ‘honesty’ often came off as brusque, rude, arrogant, disrespectful and dis-‘honest’, … Read more

Juan Pablo Galavis enneagram 3: the Opportunist

Ladies everywhere went crazy during Desiree Hartsock’s After The Final Rose episode where Chris Harrison announced that Juan Pablo Galavis would be the next Bachelor. Even though Juan’s air time was minimal his fan appeal was huge——at the time! But throughout the season Juan Pablo started to show some cracks and the sheen on the freshly oiled Venezuelan … Read more

What happened at the Women Tell All ep to change things ‘dramatically’ for Juan Pablo and Nikki Ferrell?

On the Bachelor 2014 Finale a lot of strange situations emerged….1: When Juan Pablo did NOT get on 1 knee with a Neil Lane engagement ring, but instead said “I like you’ and he told her ‘don’t be cranky’. … that’s right he said ‘cranky’ on the Bachelor finale during the usual marriage proposal. It wasn’t ‘hey I’m not … Read more

Clare Crawley and the helicopter situation: What did Juan Pablo say in the helicopter?

Tonight 32-year-old Clare Crawley claimed that Juan Pablo Galavis said something extremely offensive to her in the helicopter in St. Lucia, with no cameras around. Clare claimed that “Juan Pablo leaned over and whispered something to me. He chose to tell me something that no woman wants to hear,” ……. “I almost… I don’t have … Read more

Nikki Ferrell win’s: Juan Pablo says: ‘I like you, don’t be cranky’: No Neil Lane engagement ring!!!

Tonight on the most uncomfortable finale in Bachelor history Juan Pablo Galavis dumps Clare Crawley, gets totally dissed by Clare Crawley, then disses her back saying “Im glad I didn’t pick her”, then abstains from proposing to Nikki Ferrell saying: “Honestly, I have a ring here in my pocket, and I’m not going to use … Read more

Is Juan Pablo Galavis still in love with his ex Carla Rodriguez?

So Reality Steve did tell us earlier this year that Juan Pablo Galavis was still in love with his ex-girlfriend and baby mama Carla Rodriguez. And it sounds like that may not be far from the truth. Days away from the finale where Juan Pablo will choose between Nikki Ferrell or Clare Crawley and we … Read more