
Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock: The Introductions

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock: The Introductions The first landing gear to land on the freshly hosed driveway was Drew Kenney’s. Drew Kenney is the 28-year-old professional model from Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona although interestingly ABC is calling him some kind of Visual Marketing Specialist. I guess they don’t want you to think this is just another casting call. … Read more

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock handles her 1st situation – Jonathan on episode 1

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock handles her 1st situation – Jonathan on episode 1 Tonight on Episode 1 we met Desiree’s 25 amazing dudes in the first ever Cinderella-themed Bachelorette. ABC really hammered home the theme for us even having Desiree drive up to her mansion in an old lackluster vehicle and having her extol the heart-wrenching … Read more

Desiree Hartsock’s Official list of amazing men

The names of Desiree Hartsock’s guys have been slowly leaking for months, but at last we have a very OFFICIAL ABC endorsed list of the amazing men who will compete for her love and a Neil Lane engagement ring. Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock’s season will premiere on Monday, May 27 at 8PM ET/PT. Her and her crew … Read more

Desiree Hartsock Bachelorette 2013 Contestants (Season 9)

The names of Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock’s amazing guys for Season 9 of The Bachelorette are beginning to leak! Here’s what we know about them so far — more info will be added as we hear! Click the guys’ names to read more. Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock’s season will premiere on Monday, May 27 at 8PM ET/PT. … Read more

Dr. Larry Burchett Bachelorette 2013: Bio, Photos, Twitter

Dr. Larry Burchett Bachelorette 2013 Bachelorette 2013 contestants! Dr. Larry Burchett Bio Age: 34 Occupation: Emergency Physician at Sonoma Valley Hospital Hometown: Berkeley, CA Twitter: Facebook: Oh, and he’s a single dad. Another single dad! Man alive. This is seriously the season of the single dad. The good doctor’s kid lives with its mom in … Read more