
Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock handles a lot of situations in Spain

Desiree The Bachelorette episode 6

Tonight Desiree Hartsock’s guys head to Barcelona, Spain for a lot of situational drama. Drew Kenney, gets the one-on-one tonight at last. Pre-date Drew perseverates on how to tell Desiree about James’ ulterior motives. “If there’s time to address the situation with James, we’ll get to it.” Oh there is ALWAYS time to “address a … Read more

The Bachelorette Recap Season 9 Episode 4: Your faves weigh in

Photo: ABC First, we have my Mom’s micro recap sent via text message: “Poor Brad — nice guy.” HAHA! Tonight’s first situation was Desiree’s entire 1 on 1 date with Brad McKinzie. The totally awkward, chemistry-less boardwalk / amusement park ride portion of the date was capped by the most awkward dinner date I’ve ever … Read more

James Case ex-girlfriend cheating situation

James Case Bachelorette

After a light-hearted Mr. America group date, Desiree takes it down a notch by doing the classic natural-disaster-awareness-date. She does a little PR for FEMA by taking James Case on a tour of Hurricane Sandy with a sanctimonious Red-Cross representative. I hate it when The Bachelor engages in unsolicited tragedy exploitation. We get it — Sandy … Read more

Bachelorette Desiree Hartsock: More guys revealed!

Desiree Hartsock Bachelorette

Click here to view our (almost) full list of Bachelorette 2013 contestants, along with bios, photos and more! Alright, we finally have a pretty comprehensive list of guys for the upcoming season of Desiree Hartsock on the “Bachelorette” Season 9, which premieres on Monday, May 20 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC. The 26-year-old Colorado … Read more