
Latest Situation: The ‘Bachelor Pad 3′ cast rumors are a-flyin’!!

*Spoiler Alert* Some of the rumored Bachelor Pad 3 cast members are suitors that have yet to be eliminated from Emily Maynard’s season 8 of The Bachelorette. So, read on at your own risk!

In case you haven’t seen or read the Bachelor Pad 3 cast rumors elsewhere, we are re-posting the rumors here. You are welcome. Please note that these are rumors. Rumors heard from little birdies on Twitter. Rumors heard from Mr. Rumor himself, Reality Steve, etc.

Apparently Bachelor Pad 3 filming begins next week. Here’s the list of almost-100%-confirmed cast members, as well as a few that are being considered by ABC, but are less-than-100%-confirmed still:


Blakeley Shea: our favorite ’80s fashion fiend and VIP Cocktail Waitress from Ben Flajnik’s season of The Bachelor
Jaclyn Swartz: also from Ben Flajnik’s season of The Bachelor
Ed Swiderski: the winner of Jillian Harris’ season of The Bachelorette (sniff, we wish Jillian and Ed were still an item!)
Jenna Burke: the crazy emo blogger that seriously under-analyzes things on her blog The Over Analyst (w/o irony)
Nick Peterson: the gym rat from Ashley Hebert’s season of The Bachelorette
Kalon McMahon: aka the douchey “Helicopter Dude” from Emily Maynard’s current season of The Bachelorette
Reid Rosenthal: the sexy dude that tried to fly back into Jillian Harris’ heart during the finale of her season of The Bachelorette
Michael Stagliano: from Jillian Harris’ season of The Bachelorette….as well as the WINNER of Bachelor Pad 2 (his ex, Holly Durst, is getting married on June 2, 2012 to Blake Julian, so it’d be nice to see him on TV again trying to find real LOVE.)

And, The Rumored List of Folks:

Courtney Robertson: the “winner” of Ben Flajnik’s season, but we think the pair just recently broke up; we might be the only source/site out there making this rumor a rumor, but we really think it makes sense that she’d do the show
Lisa Morrissey: someone who got very little screen time during Brad Womack’s second stint as the Bachelor
Ames Brown: from Ashley Hebert’s season of The Bachelorette and from Bachelor Pad 2 (he ran out of the house when contestant Jackie Gordon was eliminated to chase after love….but then they broke up shortly thereafter)
Erica Rose: Good God. We hope Erica is on Bachelor Pad again! With her little crystal gavel!
Ryan Park: Ugh. We hope Mr. Sunshine (from Ashley Hebert’s season) is NOT on BP3. He’s so freaking annoying!!
Craig Robinson: from Ali Fedotowsky’s season of The Bachelorette, as well as another ex Jackie Gordon lover
Lindzi Cox: the runner up from Ben Flajnik’s season. Ummm…she likes horses.
Rozlyn Papa: best known for getting asked to leave Jake Pavelka’s season by a nervous Chris Harrison upon discovering she was hooking up with a show producer during filming…resulting in what we here at Ok! Here is the Situation have dubbed “one of Chris Harrison’s most Emmy-worthy moments”

Also, ABC mentioned a while back that this season of Bachelor Pad would feature some new faces — the faces of fans! It’ll be interesting to see how many fans they select to compete in the house and how they’ll react to the former cast members. Like – will they really be FANS of the show? Or will they just be new faces? I’m not totally clear on that yet. If it’s fans, I hope they’re stalker-type fans that act really weird around D-list celebrities. That would be amazing!

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