It’s no secret by now that sexy seductress Courtney Robertson is one of the most hated women in Bachelor history. But does she deserve it?
We all know the producers love to edit contestants in ways that may not always be the most flattering or accurate, but as more details emerge on Robertson it appears that she truly is…. that evil.
We have contended from the first one-on-one that Courtney had a boyfriend and was doing the show to make someone jealous — someone that clearly wasn’t giving her the admiration she deserved. Her body language accompanied by her constant channeling of Charlie Sheen’s infamous mantra “winning” attested to her true motives.
But now we are getting more dirt on this seductive Siren, who apparently fools Flajnik in the same way she’s fooled many a man before.
Just prior to doing the show, Courtney had a boyfriend, photographer Cavan Clark. He claims the two began dating in February 2011, and that he quickly fell for the Victoria Secret model.
A source close to the model said: “He was planning to propose to her with a 3-carat Tiffany ring that she picked out.”
“She told Cavan she needed time to be single. She told him she needed three months alone.”
Three months?!?! Wait a second…isn’t that coincidentally about how long it takes to tape The Bachelor? Did she think he wouldn’t turn on a TV during their “three month break”?

Another interesting detail has emerged about her relationship with former Desperate Housewives actor Jesse Metcalfe. The couple dated for 2 years, but Us Weekly in its February issue is saying “the couple reportedly split in 2007 because the model wasn’t thrilled about having to curtail her partying ways after Metcalfe completed rehab for alcoholism”.
The Bachelor source goes on to explain “He got help with his substance abuse problems and she wasn’t interested in that lifestyle.”
Whoa! What a B!atch! Yet another indicator of Courtney’s bizarre disconnection from people and total lack of empathy.
And according to sources close to Courtney, she moves from one relationship to another with ease (another indicator of Borderline Personality Disorder. There is no grey area with BPD. As soon as they switch gears they are done obsessing on one person and begin obsessing on another).
“She’s like a monkey. She won’t let go of one branch until she grabs hold of another — and she’s always looking for a better branch. She wants to snag a rich dude.”
Other people from Robertson’s past confirm the obvious — she was a “mean girl” in high school.
More from Us Weekly:
“Courtney was very stuck-up, not friendly at all,” one of the model’s former classmates at Phoenix’s Arcadia High School said.
“A second classmate insisted Robertson, who was on the cheerleading squad, fit the mean girl stereotype and hung out with a crowd of girls who were only popular amongst themselves.”
“The ones she hung out with were definitely the bitches,” the classmate said. “They would talk really bad about one another, rip each other to shreds, then hug and kiss at lunch.”
And sources are claiming Ben is really unhappy seeing Courtney reveal her true colors (among other things) as the show airs. Us Weekly says this:
“It really bothers him,” a Flajnik source told the magazine, adding that The Bachelor star is experiencing a different kind of rejection since Ashley Hebert had declined his engagement proposal during The Bachelorette’s seventh-season finale.”
“Ben once again feels fooled. He figured that on The Bachelor, he would have more control of the situation, but he had the wool pulled over his eyes by a few of the girls and feels like a loser again.”
Ouch! Poor Ben. The sensitive romantic dissed again by this evil vixen. So I guess there is nothing we can do but sit back with our cookie dough and bottle of 2008 Envolve Cabernet Savignon (the 2 pair well together) and cringe as this hard-to-watch situation unfolds before our eyes. But lucky for Ben I’m certain there is a long line of amazing ladies ready to console the heart-broken and undoubtedly jaded Bachelor.
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