
‘Bachelor’ Update: Where is Casey Shteamer now?

This just in! Hot off the press (of my iPhone text messages)!!! We here at Ok! Here is the Situation LOVE a scoop and we just got a great dollop of a scoop! A friend and fellow Bachelor fan just ran into Casey Shteamer, better known to some as simply Casey S., working in the … Read more

‘Bachelor’ villain Courtney Robertson: It may be worse than we think

It’s no secret by now that sexy seductress Courtney Robertson is one of the most hated women in Bachelor history. But does she deserve it? We all know the producers love to edit contestants in ways that may not always be the most flattering or accurate, but as more details emerge on Robertson it appears that … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 6: Your faves weigh in

The biggest  buzz from this week’s episode of The Bachelor is that Casey S was “Shteam-rolled” by, and I love this part, three different people….from the United States (great, dramatic clarification!). These three U.S. citizens felt it was their civic duty to contact Chris Harrison to let him know that although Casey Shteamer was single, … Read more

Situation: ‘Bachelor’s’ Courtney Robertson and room 1611

On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, testy model Courtney Robertson invited Ben to “repay the favor” (for her suprise skinny-dip visit last week) by visiting her in “room 1611” later on that night. Since when do the amazing ladies have their own rooms this early on in the season? They are usually co-habitating with … Read more

‘The Bachelor Season 16’ episode 5: Your faves weigh in

Considering all the situations that have already presented themselves, I can’t believe we’re only on episode 5 of season 16 of The Bachelor! This week’s episode in a nutshell? Some stuff happened leading up to the skinny dip, then the skinny dip happened, then some stuff happened after the skinny dip and then there was … Read more