Because of my obsession with The Bachelor, I have recently managed to get my Mom to watch the show and this season is her first. What did she think of this week’s hometown dates? Well, luckily, she sent me an email with her thoughts immediately after the show ended:
“The family visit show was a bust. Lindzi’s segment was the only good one. Kacie’s family threw her under the bus. I knew she was out after that. She was my favorite. The divorced parents were phony and spent too much time discussing Nicki’s former marriage. Courtney was Courtney, but away from the other girls was a bit more pleasant. The mock marriage was over the top!! There doesn’t seem to be a spark between Ben and any of the girls. Time for it all to end and yes, Courtney “the loser” Robertson will win!”
So there you have it folks. Direct from my Mom: Although Courtney is a loser, she is bound to win Ben’s heart….at least for the finale.

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