Larissa Marolt is a global phenom in the world of modelling so we had to give her the upper-hand in the headline. Ha ha! Plus we just wrote Who is Whitney Sudler Smith’s new girlfriend? So in the interest of fairness let’s just put Larissa on top here.
Larissa may not be a household name here in the U.S., but she certainly is in Germany!

We have been following “Charleston’s elite” on the Bravo show Southern Charm and it finally got interesting at the end. Too bad none of these shoes dropped in front of Bravo cameras!
But one of the bombshell’s that was just dropped was that star Whitney Sudler-Smith DOES have a girlfriend and has had a girlfriend for about a year now. So it looks like he was hiding her from Bravo’s prying eyes during the taping–at least at the end.
And said girlfriend is quite a celebrity in the world of modelling. She is 21-year-old Austrian beauty Larissa Marolt.
And she has a thing for 45-year-old American screenwriter and film-director, Whitney Sudler-Smith. He was born June 2, 1968 in Washington, D.C. in 1968 but brought up in Virginia.
So what does new girlfriend see in Charleston socialite Whitney Sudler-Smith?
Whitney Sudler-Smith is a socialite, a filmmaker, and a classically trained guitarist. He lives with his very wealthy and charming mother Patricia Altschul. (formally Pat Dey-Smith).
But don’t worry he has not always lived at home. He lived in Los Angeles, California for the last 17 years working on screenplays and independent films and has quite an impressive resume.
His directorial work includes several small films like Going for Baroque and Afternoon Delight, Bubba and Ike, and a TV pilot Torture TV.

Source: twitter
Whitney’s biggest success was a film called Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston, about the famous 70’s fashion designer. The film has received world-wide acclaim and is currently showing on Showtime. (I am actually dying to see this!)
Whitney was also an executive producer on Bravo’s Southern Charm– believe it or not. Not bad Whitney. We would love to see a season 2.
His mother Patricia Altschul is quite an intriguing character as well. She was a New York City socialite and is the widow of Goldman Sachs banker and philanthropist Arthur Altschul, who died in 2002 at age 81. The two had married in 1996. She has made quite a name for herself as a philanthropist in NYC and Charleston and most importantly she saves art and architecture which is a big passion of ours.
This explains where the family’s impressive wealth comes from.
As for the big mystery of who Whitney Sudler Smith’s father is….
His father is L. Hayes Smith. More on the mysterious identity of Whitney Sudler Smith’s father.
So we look forward to seeing more from Mr. Whitney Sudler-Smith on the small and big screen. And I can’t judge him too much for not wanting to leave his mom’s posh 4.8 million dollar Charleston home.
Photo source: Bravo
More of Bravo’s Southern Charm
Check out the Whitney Sudler-Smith gay conspiracy
Arthur Altschul
Source: Tumbler
Who are Patricia Altschul’s ex-husbands?
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I don’t know where this writer or blogger (or whatever one calls everyone & anyone that “writes” on the net) gets info but ULTASUEDE certainly managed to get attention, all of it BAD.
That self indulgent exploration into the life of Halston was widely acclaimed for sure, as in: DIS-claimed.
Instead of striving toward understanding or exploring a theme, which is the virtual purpose of Documentary Filmmaking, it focuses it’s lense directly at the actual face of the “film-make;” it was an expose on this Whitney character’s OWN life, as he, in differnt outfits and autos (edited totally OUT OF CONTINUITY).
It seemed to be a quest as to how many “who’s who” he could be filmed with, under the pretense of concern over HALSTON (his “coup” wax a chat with Liza, but frankly, that gal loves an interview, any interview).
Halston was as close to courier genius an American has ever come to; many have called him the Americsn San Laurent which is rediculous, he was simply magnificently HALSTON.
The true tragedy, that could have been explored, was how this genius became manipulated and ultimately destroyed by something as base & banal as Penny’s (yes, JC Penny).
At the very end, that sh*t shop even made sure he could not even design as HALSTON.
So, here’s this Whitney cat a comin’, equally base & banal,to further destroy the wonder that was HALSTON.
hahaha. I know it was. I was trying to be nice. But you are totally right
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